20 Interactive Teaching Activities

20 Best Interactive Teaching Activities | CIO Women Magazine

Students are more likely to retain information when they are given opportunities to apply what they are learning in real-world contexts. You may initiate such a connection in several ways. The most common methods are lectures, slideshows, videos, and practical applications.

You inspire your students to participate in Interactive Teaching Activities in class, engage in independent thought, and use their own reasoning skills, all of which contribute to their ability to remember what they’ve learned throughout the course of the semester and beyond. Students will see gains not just in their academic understanding but also in their motivation, self-confidence, physical fitness, sense of community, and willingness to speak their minds.

Here are 20 interactive teaching activities;

1. Think, pair, and share

Put your pupils in groups of two and give them a problem or issue to solve based on the subject at hand. Provide ample time for each pair of children to come to a sound conclusion, and then let the youngsters report their findings in their own words. Using this method of Interactive Teaching Activities, your kids will be actively participating in class, sharing their ideas, and learning at an unprecedented rate.

2. Brainstorming

In most cases, a group of people will get together to engage in some type of Interactive Teaching Activities for brainstorming. This method works well for inspiring original ideas. Students get valuable experience working together and learning from one another in a brainstorming session. They have so many brilliant ideas, it will blow your mind! You may use the Mindmap widget on BookWidgets to organize your thoughts or one of these eight entertaining applications to spark student creativity.

3. Buzz session

In these “session groups,” participants discuss only one central theme. Each student has a voice in the discussions taking place inside their respective groups. Get the kids to talk to one another and work together in their groups. Anyone may benefit from hearing about the perspectives and experiences of others. If you’re a teacher, you may want to consider providing your pupils with some discussion prompts in the form of keywords.

20 Best Interactive Teaching Activities | CIO Women Magazine

And there are plenty of other creative ways to interactive Teaching Activities for student participation in the classroom. I made piles of the many pursuits:

  • Personal academic pursuits
  • Teamwork exercises for students
  • Collaborative projects between the students Interactive Teaching Activities
  • Playing games that encourage interaction with others Interactive Teaching Activities
  • Separate Academic Tasks for Each Student

4. Exit slips

They are most effective when used as a closing activity for a class. The pupils will each have one minute to write in response to a prompt from you. It may be extended to “what was the most significant thing you learned today”. Then you may choose whether or not to bring it up in your next lecture.

You might inquire as to whether or not they recall the details of what they recorded. In need of a blank electronic dismissal form? BookWidgets has a great one that may help you explore the many ways an exit slip can be used. Are you in need of some motivation? Look at this! There are sixty samples of electronic departure tickets provided.

5. Misconception check

Learn what pupils don’t know. Prove to yourself whether your pupils can spot a bogus statement by deciding which is the true one. It works well for reviewing material from an earlier class. It teaches them to speculate on anything that may happen.

6. Circle the questions

Create a quiz or a survey with a series of questions (make them narrow) regarding the material, and have the students mark the ones they can’t answer. After that, have their hand in the assignment.

To answer the questions that were circled, divide the page into quadrants. Don’t hover over your pupils’ shoulders while they do the additional work and explanation in the margins. You’ll need to offer each kid a unique and individualized sequence to visit the corners since they will have circled various questions.

7. Ask the winner

Put a problem on the board and tell the pupils to work on it in silence. Tell the audience to raise their hands if they guessed correctly after you provide the solution (and keep them raised). The rest of the class must then go speak to the student who raised their hand in order to learn more about the problem and how to approach it in the future.

Teamwork exercises for students

8. Pair-share-repeat

Students may select a new partner and pass on what they’ve learned from their previous relationship after engaging in a Think-pair-share activity, as described in the first Interactive Teaching Activities learning lesson concept.

9. Teacher and student

Give the class time to discuss what they remember most from the previous lesson. Then have your pupil’s form groups of two and take on dual responsibilities. They’re a teacher and a pupil, respectively. The instructor’s role is to provide a high-level overview of the topic at hand; the student is to keep track of the important points as they are discussed and to add two or three of his own.

10. Wisdom from another

Pair students together to discuss their ideas and thoughts after they’ve completed a solo brainstorming or creative exercise in Interactive Teaching Activities. The next step is to solicit help from those who would want to share their impressions of their partners’ contributions. Many kids are more comfortable discussing the achievements of their peers than their own. Naturally, you may also urge them to talk about their goals.

11. Forced debate

Let them argue it out in small groups. Rather than just expressing their own opinions, students must also defend the position that runs counter to their own. They learn to sometimes put aside their own biases and viewpoints and take a look at things through the eyes of someone else.

20 Best Interactive Teaching Activities | CIO Women Magazine

Swap roles: have half the class in one and the other in the other. The class forms an orderly line and faces each other. It is important that all students on all sides of the argument get a chance to participate, thus we will only allow them to speak once.

12. Optimist/Pessimist

Students work in teams, each taking a different stance on an issue raised by a case study, a statement, or a subject. Inspire them to put themselves in the case study and show true empathy. Some Interactive Teaching Activities and ideas for fixing the problem may surface, and your pupils will develop remarkable interpersonal skills.

13. Peer review writing task

It is helpful to have pupils work on writing assignments in pairs. The partner then reads the essay and provides a three-paragraph response outlining the essay’s qualities, its weaknesses, and the modification priorities the partner would prioritize if it were her work. Each student has something to offer the group and there is much to be gained through observing and learning from one another. Here are some more unique ways to evaluate oneself.

14. Board rotation

The level of interactivity in this kind of instruction is unparalleled. You may use the many whiteboards around the room to divide your class into smaller groups, which can then be assigned to each board. One question or subject per board. After a group has written an answer on one board, they go on to the next one.

Now, each person adds his or her response underneath the initial response already provided by the preceding group. Encourage them to make a round of the room until every group has visited each board. Not many whiteboards available in your classroom? Examine the use of BookWidgets’ digital whiteboard in tandem with tablet computers.

15. Pick the Winner

Set up small groups to tackle a similar assignment or discussion in class. Let them write down or save their solution/approach on the computer. Afterward, have them trade places with a neighboring group and assess the other’s response. As the timer goes out, have the groups combine and decide which of the two options they prefer before presenting their findings to the whole class.

16. Movie Application

Students will work in small groups to analyze film adaptations of a lesson topic to determine what the filmmakers did well and where they fell short. Think of documentaries, biopics, and historical films.

Playing games that encourage interaction with others

Make your classroom more engaging by equipping it with a variety of educational games. Unlike traditional methods of instruction, pupils seldom notice they are “learning” while playing games. BookWidgets allows you to quickly and easily create Interactive Teaching Activities like crossword puzzles, pair-matching games, bingo games, jigsaw puzzles, memory games, and many more (and it even integrates with Google Classroom).

17. Crossword puzzle

20 Best Interactive Teaching Activities | CIO Women Magazine

As a kind of memorization, crossword puzzles are ideal. You may use BookWidgets to create an Interactive Teaching Activities crossword by providing a list of terms and a brief explanation of each. The crossword puzzle makes what might be a dull learning session more enjoyable. How to make them, as well as other uses than language instruction, are discussed in further depth here.

18. Bingo

Bingo is a great game for Interactive Teaching Activities that can be utilized for a wide variety of activities, from language drills to icebreakers to math drills and beyond. Check out this blog article for a comprehensive look at your bingo options. One game may serve as the basis for a surprising number of engaging classroom activities.

19. Who/what am I?

Tie a word or name to the back of each pupil. There’s also the option of taping it to their skull. Students take turns going around the classroom and asking each other yes/no questions in an attempt to collectively choose the phrase. Evidently, the phrase is relevant to the material you’ll be covering in class.

20 Wordscraper

Words related to the subject may be generated by giving teams the chapter (or course) title as a pool of letters to build words from (e.g., mitochondrial DNA). Students might also be challenged to use the new terminology in a game of Scrabble.

Also read: 10 Best Note-Taking Apps for Students



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