What Are Taxes And Why Do We File Them Each Year?

What Are Taxes And Best Benefits of File Taxes Each Year? 2023 | CIO Women Magazine

Although nobody likes paying them, taxes are necessary if we ever want to build a thriving and well-functioning society for everyone.

While we primarily consider them once a year during tax season, we deal with them often throughout the year. In addition to the benefits of file taxes on our income, we also have to pay taxes on the things we buy and the property we own. Total annual expenditures in the United States for these things add up to billions of dollars and include everything from Social Security and the military to garbage collection and park maintenance.

Here are the benefits of file taxes every year;

According to estimates from USAspending.gov, total government spending in the United States for fiscal year 2021 was about $10.1 trillion. However, the National Association of State Budget Officers reported that state government general fund expenditure was $931.7 billion in the same year. There must be a source of all that capital. That is benefits of file taxes systems at every level of government: to ensure their continued existence.

According to the World Bank, which provides development finance for collecting public revenue, taxes collected by governments promote economic growth and development by paying for essential goods and services like infrastructure, healthcare, and education toward the common goal of a prosperous, functional, and orderly society. Also, in Why Do We File Taxes, cause taxes to play a significant role in the agreement between individuals and their government. The whole legitimacy of a government rests on the efficiency with which taxes are collected and spent.

“At its most basic level,” explains Poppy MacDonald, president of USAFacts, a non-profit and non-partisan civic project that makes it simple to access and comprehend US government statistics. As the saying goes, “if the government didn’t ask individuals to pay for services, such services would be underfunded and underprovided.”

As Benefits of File Taxes that different levels of government are in charge of providing different services, and benefits of file taxes, the money they collect is put to use in various ways. The federal government is responsible for wide-ranging initiatives like national defense and social safety nets like Social Security and Medicare. Education, infrastructure, and public housing get the bulk of state funding. Comparatively, local governments’ budgets mirror those of states, however, they often provide more money to essential services like fire and rescue, public works, and recreational facilities.

Why do we have to pay federal taxes?

The Constitution guarantees the federal government the power to levy taxes. To “pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States,” Congress “shall have the Authority to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises.” This provision can be found in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1.

However, the specific tax provision established by the 16th Amendment in 1913 is probably more well-known: “The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on income, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and regard to any census or enumeration.”

One of the taxes taken out of your paycheck is the federal individual income tax, and it’s also perhaps the largest deduction. It also represents the most significant income stream for the federal government.

What Are Taxes And Best Benefits of File Taxes Each Year? 2023 | CIO Women Magazine

You may expect to pay taxes on whatever money you earn, regardless of how you got it. Those with higher salaries are subject to a bigger percentage of the federal income tax because of its progressive nature. There is a wide variety of rates, from as little as 10% to as high as 37% on certain incomes.

The payroll tax that is taken out of everyone’s salary is called FICA, which stands for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. It is distinct from federal income tax and contributes to the funding of the Medicare and Social Security programs that offer benefits to seniors, the handicapped, and children.

Federal taxes have also increased. Profits from businesses are subject to taxes like the corporate income tax. To put it simply, the estate tax is a levy on the legal ability to pass wealth on upon death. A wide range of products, services, and actions are subject to excise taxes, which may be levied on the producer, the merchant, or the end user. An excise tax is imposed on a variety of goods and services, including cigarettes, alcohol, and fuel. The tax research organization Tax Foundation reports that excise taxes contribute just a modest and highly variable amount to state and municipal tax revenues.

“Income tax rates and the amount of tax we owe are front and center in our minds every year around this time,” says Gena Jones, CEO and founder of Jones Tax Group. Adding up all of these “other taxes” might add up to a significant sum and hence should be discussed.

I mean, where does it all end up? The income security category, which includes everything from unemployment benefits and military retirement to the earned income tax credit and food stamps, accounted for about 20% of all federal expenditures in fiscal 2021. Medicare took up 13.7% of the budget, followed by Social Security at 11.8%, national defense at 11.1%, and health care at 10%. Massive investment to combat the economic consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic greatly distorted the 2021 estimates.

Jones argues that we don’t fully value the services provided by our government until we’ve reached middle age and can see the benefits of the programs funded by our taxes. On the plus side, when you reach retirement age, you may start withdrawing money from your Social Security savings account.

Why must we pay state taxes?

Much like the federal government, state governments rely on tax revenue from their citizens to provide essential public services. Some states choose to forego income tax collection, while others opt to forego sales tax collection. Property taxes are levied by every state in the union, and in 2019, combined state and local tax payments made up an average of 10.3% of the gross domestic product. The Tax Foundation found that 14.1% of New Yorkers were affected by the increase.

What Are Taxes And Best Benefits of File Taxes Each Year? 2023 | CIO Women Magazine

Don’t be deceived by the fact that certain states don’t impose a particular tax. Jones observes, “They will get the funds essential to their functioning.

Where do state tax dollars end up? The majority of state budgets are allocated to elementary and secondary education, which will account for about 36% of expenditures in fiscal 2021, or around $483 billion. one of the benefits of file taxes is that Seventy-nine point-two percent of the total was allocated to Medicaid. The third largest category of expenditure is higher education, which includes public university systems, community colleges, and other institutions.

Spending by states also goes into sectors like transportation, prisons, and other forms of public health.

Why do we have to pay municipal taxes?

Local taxes, like state taxes, have some room for variation. benefits of file taxes like Property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes, and ancillary taxes and levies like those for water and parking meters are all examples. MacDonald notes that subsidies from the federal and state governments and fees from business-like enterprises that offer services like public utilities, hospitals, and public transportation make up a large amount of local governments’ income streams.

License fees and sales taxes are two more sources of income for municipalities. MacDonald notes that other jurisdictions, such as New York City, impose taxes on both payrolls and income. The city’s top income tax rate is 3.876%.

What Are Taxes And Best Benefits of File Taxes Each Year? 2023 | CIO Women Magazine

benefits of file taxes like Daily necessities including public elementary through high school education, public transit, fire, and police protection, and trash collection are often funded by local taxes.


Our federal benefits of file taxes, state, and local governments can only operate and deliver essential services because of the tax revenue we supply. Every government is responsible for its core functions, whereas the federal government handles large-scale expenditures like those for the military and social security. Local governments are responsible for services like trash pickup and school busing, while the state is responsible for education and healthcare.

Why do we have to file our taxes?

To fully appreciate the significant benefits of file taxes, it is helpful to trace their historical development. Keep in mind that there was no such thing as a check and balance system when the government first required its citizens to pay taxes, which was a long time before the concept of taxes had ever been conceived. The government used to have faith in its citizens, and citizens’ claims that they had paid the correct amount of taxes were accepted at face value.

But then individuals learned how to cheat the system, so it was determined that everyone should fill out tax forms, compile the results, and hand them in. Keeping in mind that the government banned this idea in the USA is a good idea. Also, the government of the United States of America informed its citizens that they would be required to pay the tax and submit tax reports to the government of the United States of America.

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