Staying abreast of developments and information is crucial in the Manufacturing industry. If you’re a professional or enthusiastic amateur interested in Manufacturing, the following websites are a gold mine of knowledge.
Here are the 20 Best Manufacturing News Websites:
1. Manufacturing Global
Manufacturing Global, a cutting-edge digital newspaper, is consistently ranked as a top resource for keeping Manufacturing News Websites sector leaders informed about developments in the field. Manufacturing worldwide takes its readers inside the sector to discuss the latest innovations in lean manufacturing, operational excellence, and the evolution of the industry’s people and skills with top-level leaders.

Our goal is to provide busy executives with a summary of the most significant developments in one of the world’s most consequential businesses as they happen.
Our mission is twofold: to make our client development tool more engaging and to improve the media environment inside the business.
2. Industry Week
Industry Week is an authoritative publication for business leaders and innovators, celebrating the businesses and workers who have made the United States a world power in Manufacturing News Websites.
The newest innovations, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), innovative leadership methods, game-changing businesses, cutting-edge Manufacturing News Websites techniques, and game-changing consumer goods are all on display during Industry Week.
3. Manufacturing Management
For almost seven decades, Manufacturing News Websites Management has served as “a genuine voice of UK manufacturing,” highlighting the industry’s finest achievements and paying tribute to the management teams responsible for making British factories among the world’s best.
The goal of Manufacturing Management is to give useful information that will assist readers in increasing the efficiency and profitability of their Manufacturing News Websites facilities. This book covers the gamut of lean management strategies for preventative maintenance in the era of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).
4. Food Manufacture
Food Manufacture is a magazine that focuses on the food and drinks production industry in the United Kingdom. Everything from ingredients and new product innovations to technology advances and regulatory changes is covered in the journal, making it a “must-have” resource.
“The brand is dedicated to servicing the industry via issue-led news, business, and technical information written with the highest standards of journalistic quality.”
5. The Engineer
The Engineer, founded by businessman and engineering fanatic Edward Charles Healey, is a monthly publication that reports on developments in the engineering and technology industries in the United Kingdom and throughout the world. Editor in Chief at the Engineer since 2003, Jon Excell has been in the publishing industry for almost 16 years. The editorial staff also consists of Jason Ford, Stuart Nathan, and Andrew Wade, all of whom are seasoned reporters.
6. Additive Manufacturing Media
Additive Manufacturing News Websites Media addresses the manufacturing sector and its interest in the use of additive manufacturing for the creation of tooling, molds, prototypes, and final production items using 3D printing and digital layering technologies.
The paper discusses the possible benefits and achievements of the technology as well as its potential drawbacks and challenging future.
7. Manufacturing Automation
Manufacturing Automation is Canada’s leading publication covering industrial automation and robotics, providing in-depth coverage of cutting-edge technology, products, applications, and industry news with an emphasis on the discrete manufacturing sector. Engineers, managers, and C-suite executives from every business who care about efficiency and automation make up the magazine’s readership. Industry 4.0, AI, robotics, safety tech, motors and drives, instrumentation and control, sensor tech, wireless tech, security, PLCs, power supply, wire and cable, machine vision, and more are all included in the realm of Manufacturing News Websites automation.
8. Manufacturing Tomorrow
The digital trade publication Manufacturing Tomorrow. Features articles, news, and events related to 3D printing, industrial automation, and advanced Manufacturing News Websites sectors.
The focus of Manufacturing Tomorrow is on cutting-edge, near-future technologies with solid potential for widespread adoption. The goal of the magazine is to “provide a forum for the industry to report on itself and exchange ideas.”
9. The Manufacturer
The Manufacturer is an all-encompassing manufacturing journal that provides news, features, events, and insights, as well as thought leadership pieces, regulatory updates, and advocacy for best practices in manufacturing boardrooms and senior management.
The magazine has an extensive online and social media following, hosts events and conferences, collaborates closely with scholarly organizations, and promotes employer-driven training and education initiatives.
10. Aerospace Manufacturing
In terms of business-to-business publications in Europe, Aerospace Manufacturing is the best of the best. Aerospace Manufacturing examines the design, Manufacturing News Websites, and supply chain of the aerospace industries, both civilian and military, for the most recent trends, insights, advancements, and more.
Published ten times a year, the magazine offers industry news, exclusive articles on the newest technology, and commentary from important industry experts, and is sent to more than 16,000 decision-making professionals throughout Europe.
11. Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine
MEM is a leading authority in the Manufacturing News Websites and engineering fields, covering news on individual companies and their accomplishments with discussions about the sector as a whole. It helps you see how other businesses are doing what you do, which might spark ideas for how to improve your own operation.
12. is an excellent tool for keeping up with changes in the world’s most important manufacturing markets, including those in China and the United States. The site’s Manufacturing Minute films, which explain a breakthrough in technology in under a minute, are a must-watch.
13. Manufacturing Today
The magazine’s primary interest in goods makes Manufacturing Today a valuable read for the manufacturing industry.

It is highly recommended that you visit this website before beginning product development or rethinking your supply chain.
14. The Guardian Manufacturing
The Guardian’s specialized manufacturing section, as one would expect from the country’s leading news organization, provides comprehensive coverage of the most recent developments in the manufacturing business. Most of the articles focus on the UK or the EU, which is helpful for contextualizing the dynamic manufacturing sector.
15. CBI
CBI often referred to as the “voice of UK business,” presents a data-driven and analytical perspective on the UK’s Manufacturing News Websites sector. The insights are informative and extensive; they go beyond the normal blog post by providing further coverage of the most important issues facing the business in the form of downloadable PDFs.
16. PwC
On its website, PwC provides “industry views,” in which they analyze the most pressing problems in a variety of sectors.

Their writings on manufacturing span a wide range of topics, from Brexit to Industry 4.0, and they use interviews with key industry people to establish themselves as an authoritative voice in the field.
17. SMMT
The acronym “SMMT” stands for “Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders,” which acts as the trade association for the automotive sector in the United Kingdom. The Manufacturing News Websites portion of the site’s news section is essential reading for any automaker because of the site’s ear to the ground and strong concentration on statistics.
18. EEF
For manufacturers, EEF speaks for them. They’ve made it a priority to investigate and talk about the biggest challenges that manufacturers confront. Learn more about how to make your employees happier, more productive, and more well-trained by reading one of their in-depth industry studies or attending one of their webinars.
19. Electronics Weekly
Electronics Weekly is the publication to read if you’re interested in following the ever-changing consumer electronics industry closely. The site’s manufacturing section discusses both specific brand successes and industry-wide tendencies.
20. Industry Week
Focusing on Manufacturing News Websites and growing interest in technology is one of Industry Week’s primary themes.

It’s a comprehensive guide to the technological elements that matter most to manufacturers, from the latest in automation and IIoT to the hottest in emerging innovation.