Beth Donaldson- Bringing About an Anti-Aging and Wellness Revolution

Beth Donaldson | skin Be Med spa | The Enterprise World

Beauty is in Being You! 

“Honestly, I kind of fell into my passion of aesthetics and wellness and quickly discovered it was my calling. I love helping others achieve the best versions of themselves.”

I think it’s safe to say, we have all watched beauty videos and tried to live up to society standards or perhaps tried recreating it in our own ways. With the booming aesthetic industry, it’s easier than ever before to take the necessary steps to be your best self and feel comfortable in your own skin, however that looks for you.

Beth Donaldson, named Top Woman Leader to Watch Out for in 2023, originally thought she wanted to go to college to study medicine and become a physician, but after dropping out of high school decided against it. However, after being a high school drop out she did decide to go to college where she studied  Biology at the University of Missouri Columbia. 

After her college days, Beth Donaldson moved to Chicago to experience life! An adventurer at heart, she wanted to experience life in  a new city, build a network, meet new people, and find the right path to tread. There, she started her first job as a Membership Director with the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce where she stayed a few years before moving back to her hometown of St. Louis. When she decided to move back to St. Louis she began interviewing with a number of job offers at hand shortly after. Beth Donaldson decided to accept the one that changed the entire trajectory of her life and career. 

“This decision propelled me in the direction of my true passion and purpose.”

This is when Beth Donaldson joined the largest med spa in the country, which at the time she joined was only 16 locations, and soon grew to 135 locations by the time she left. Starting a job with a company and getting to work at everything from ground up is something any newbie would only dream of. Beth’s hiring manager at the time, Misty Akers said, “The best way to describe Beth Donaldson is “Game Changer”. She is a person who will come in and help any team, rise to the occasion, and better themselves.

I had the pleasure of hiring Beth Donaldson in St. Louis, and it was to date, one of the best decisions I have ever made as a hiring manager. She immediately took a struggling center and made it a center to beat. She worked her way to becoming the top sales person in the company and remained untouched for nearly two years. Beth Donaldson makes things happen, and challenges others to be better. She made our company realize that there was more possible, because she proved time and time again; there was.

She did not just raise the bar for the organization, she changed the outlook on what was possible. She truly changed the game…,” said Misty. Beth Donaldson had the chance to lead this organizations’ sales, open new locations, travel to the underperforming locations to help the teams across the nation and help make them successful by training them the systems and mindset it takes to do it. She truly changed the game.

Working with an organization that had a handful of locations at the start and became as large scale as as it did during her time there, was truly a blessing, but Beth Donaldson also saw a missing space in the industry as a whole. Thus Beth Donaldson set out to fill the void. She wholeheartedly believes that beauty is more than skin deep and saw a tremendous opportunity to bring her vision to life of connecting how someone looks and feels matters most. “When you feel great and look great, you do great.” said Beth. There are so many med spas that focus on the outside appearance and not the person as a whole.

“I wanted to change that and that is when I decided I wanted to create an anti-aging and wellness revolution that connected the art of aesthetics with the science of wellness to help people look and feel their best from the inside out, and that is when skinBe Med Spa was born.”

New Beginnings, New Challenges-

Difficult is an understatement when it comes to starting a business from the ground up but these are the times any entrepreneur or business owner must face to get to the next level and beyond. Throughout Beth’s journey of building her business from the ground up that is 100% self funded, resilience has been her greatest asset. 

An unstoppable spirit and a massive vision to change the lives of millions, both her employees and skinBe clients, is one of Beth’s greatest strengths. She credits this as one of the biggest assets that has helped her build an enterprise that is revolutionizing lives and disrupting the industry.

The first big obstacle thrown her way, outside of the normal challenges all business owners face, was a name change – before skinBe officially opened but after the build out began and thousands of dollars were spent in marketing, building signage and more. The build out started in June 2017 and in August 2017, Beth Donaldson was served papers from an attorney to change the business name as it was already trademarked by another med spa in Arizona. 

“Clearly I was devastated but looking back it was meant to be. After some serious deep reflection and knowing this challenge was going to be a blessing – the name I chose was skinBe.” 

Why skinBe? It’s tri-fold. The first and most obvious reason is the personal branding it shows. The Be is the first part of Beth’s name, and skin represents everything they do at skinBe. The skin is our biggest organ and a direct reflection of both your internal health and how you take care of yourself. 

The second part of the deep meaning of the name lies within the meaning of a bumble bee. “My colleagues began calling me Queen B several years ago, always using the bee symbol and once I dug deeper into the symbolism of a bee, I realized the true meaning is that ‘anything is possible. Based on physics, due to the size of the bee’s body in comparison to its wings, it should not be able to fly but it does. It signifies anything is possible.”, adds Beth. 

Lastly, Beth Donaldson is an advocate of being whatever makes you feel most comfortable and empowered to be, regardless of what anyone thinks. Be unique. Be different. Be weird. Be extra. Be beautiful in your own magical way. Just Be you. 

And this is how the name skinBe Med Spa came about. 

Building a Strong Foundation

skin Be Med Spa was incepted in December of 2017, and since then has had a strong growth trajectory. Impeccable zeal and dedication into the creation of the vision and resilience have always been the key components for Beth Donaldson in building this enterprise and as she calls it, an empire. 

Her vision was to create a med spa that focused on beauty is more than skin deep helping the person as a whole – inside and out. It was all about connecting the art of aesthetics with the science of wellness. It’s all about injecting confidence with their portfolio of aesthetics, wellness and body treatment options as well as medical grade skincare and their newly launched cosmetic line.

“The vision is still the same but we grow, innovate and evolve every day.”

skinBe Med Spa is doing big things – now offering franchise opportunities and a plan to grow its corporate locations as well as the portfolio of offerings. The company launched its ‘Body by Be®’ treatments last December stepping into the body contouring game and are thrilled to be launching their private label cosmetic line this month. 

“We have a commitment to offer safe cutting edge results, and only the best to our clients.”

The Next Big Thing-

Stepping into the new year with massive momentum and opportunities, skinBe has big plans for the future. The 10X team is proud to be a company of innovation and continual learning to align with the company’s core values of delivering the wow experience and changing lives.

This month skinBe launched its new private-label cosmetic line of high-quality lip products that they have spent months researching and testing to ensure they only offer the best, a part of the team’s core values. They aren’t stopping here in 2023, with a lot more on the horizon. 

In addition to exciting new launches, continued innovation, and a team that is committed to changing lives;  their expansion and growth plan to spread the skinBe vision to more people, including franchise opportunities, is at the forefront of the near future.  

We offer a wide variety of aesthetic and wellness options with a commitment to help our clients look great, feel great, and DO great. We are committed to being the innovators and trailblazers in our space,” says Beth. 

Getting to Know Beth-

Beth Donaldson has been in the med spa space for nearly 20 years, starting with a large chain med spa which helped her gain great insight, experience and knowledge of the industry. “It’s also where I fell in love with the booming aesthetic and wellness industry and knew it was my purpose and calling to help others gain confidence and live their best lives,”  adds Beth. 

Fast forward, Beth Donaldson decided to branch out on her own when she was determined to make it her mission to normalize the procedures they offer and focus on the person as a whole by connecting the art of aesthetics with the science of wellness to change lives across the globe.

A Letter to Younger Self-

Hello 15 year old Beth! 

Beth Donaldson believes in being your best and most authentic version of yourself. The most important thing Beth Donaldson would advise her younger self is, Be You. 

“Be authentically you even when others don’t understand it.”

Being a rebel and a rule breaker, Beth Donaldson had a way of getting ahead in the pursuit of being the best. And years later, when running an enterprise, it became one of her many strengths. 

“You can’t make a big difference doing what everyone else does or trying to live like others. There may be others that try to copy you but if you are truly exceptional and offer something beyond average, they will never be able to build what you have by trying to duplicate it. I also believe there is enough room for everyone to earn success and win as long as they put in the work. That is true for everything in life so follow your passion and be unapologetically you.”, adds Beth. 

If Beth Donaldson Journey was a Book, it would be called-

“Game Changer”

“I have always enjoyed to come in, disrupt the system and change the game; with everything I do in life. Meaning, I like to help others overcome obstacles, challenges, generational curses, etc. I love to find a better way. I love to go against the grain to create something extraordinary – something I did when I founded skinBe.” said Beth Donaldson.

Our mission at skinBe runs deep. It’s more than just building an anti-aging and wellness revolution. It’s about truly changing lives for the better. Our focus is to encourage all to be the best version of themselves by simply being them – Be you, always.” said Beth

Passing on the Legacy-

From a Leader to a Leader

“It’s hard to narrow it down to just one piece of advice. Being a leader is difficult yet the most rewarding thing. I love empowering and helping others achieve greatness and have grown as a leader tremendously throughout my entrepreneurship journey. A lot of my growth has been self-taught through reading and conferences as well as a strong commitment to learn how to be a better leader. 

I also hired a business coach in 2022 who was such an amazing resource and mentor to me. Sandi Glandt; my mentor, business coach and now someone I consider a friend too; helped me realize some key ingredients to being an amazing leader which is what I strive to be. I think the most valuable thing I learned about being a great leader is delegation – don’t try to do it all – but only hire the best at that role to do it and then trust them to own it and lead in their position. Nothing makes me happier than to see my team grow, win and thrive!”

To All the New Entrants, Beth’s Only Advice Would Be-

“Never give up. It’s really that simple. You’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to fail. Those are the moments when you learn to grow or quit. If you want to win, never give up and keep going even on your hardest days.”



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