In a world where hundreds of singers seem to become famous suddenly and thousands more are still waiting for their big break so Every Musician Needs Email Marketing, what everyone needs is a foundation of committed followers that grows consistently. They give support and are essential to the survival of most actions.
But how can you establish and maintain deeper ties with fans? Especially today, when live performances and gatherings are no longer feasible. The brief response is email or Every Musician Needs Email Marketing.
After several interactions with industry experts, artists, bands, producers, and their marketing managers, I decided to publish a brief introduction to email marketing for musicians. Everyone, regardless of expertise level, seems to agree that email marketing is the way to go.
Here are 6 Reasons Why Every Musician Needs Email Marketing;
1. Email marketing software has never been more user-friendly.
As someone who has performed email marketing for over a decade, I cannot sugarcoat the fact that email marketing used to be difficult. I didn’t even have to endure the days of hard-coding campaigns and praying that the email I sent would seem reasonably good across hundreds of email providers because Every Musician Needs Email Marketing.
Today, email service providers like ConvertKit simplify every aspect of email marketing, from acquiring new subscribers to closing transactions.
For instance, if you only wanted to send emails to specified geographic zones, you previously had to develop spreadsheets and subscriber lists. You may now quickly pick various groups and segments right from ConvertKit when sending an email or Every Musician Needs Email Marketing.
2. Ticket sales.
Having a large, diversified email list with geodata is useful for ticket sales. In the early days of email marketing, you had to ask subscribers for their zip codes. Now, if fans read your emails, you have a decent understanding of their location, allowing you to send them emails about the concerts nearest to them without causing FOMO among the rest of your list.

When you initially promote your tour, notify everyone on your mailing list. As each date approaches, evaluate which performances still need an additional ticket push. Craft emails for events that may benefit from increased ticket sales, and only send them to fans who could drive to the event. Thus, you can continue to promote certain programs without making your whole mailing list feel like they are receiving unnecessary emails or that Every Musician Needs Email Marketing.
3. Fans are eager to communicate with you.
Previously, I inquired about how you feel about receiving emails from your favorite bands. They are the first emails I read since I care most about these bands. I follow a large number of bands on social media, but only my absolute faves get access to my email. I want the greatest seats to their concerts, exclusive access to their new merchandise, and to be the first to know about their newest song Every Musician Needs Email Marketing.
If someone subscribes to your email list, they have confirmed superfans who WANT to hear from you. The challenge is that they may not realize this unless you offer them a cause to subscribe. Here are some methods to get followers to sign up for your email list:
Offer free music in exchange for an email address. You may use this free ConvertKit automation to urge them to download the whole album in the future.
Offer an exclusive discount on merchandise. Offer to provide a discount coupon for your online shop in return for an email address through a pop-up form on your website or Every Musician Needs Email Marketing.
Have email-only presales for tickets. Giving your email subscribers a head start on purchasing tickets is a terrific incentive; everyone wants to be first in line for the performance.
Always announce first by email. Adopt the practice of sending your most important news to your email list first. Make your subscribers feel as if they are privy to a secret or Every Musician Needs Email Marketing.
4. Record and merchandise sales.
When you do have a record or something to offer, your email list is a terrific tool to increase sales.

Your email list should be a vital component of your album release plan, but you shouldn’t stop promoting your album after it has been released. You may continue to promote your album through your email list, and even sell digital copies straight using ConvertKit and also Every Musician Needs Email Marketing.
5. Fan club memberships.
You may have noticed that one of ConvertKit’s digital pricing choices is a subscription model. That may not make sense for selling your CD, but do you know when it does? A fan group.
Fan clubs are a tried-and-true strategy for persuading your most ardent fans to not only support you frequently but to also develop a lasting connection with you. Similar to Patreon, you may establish many tiers with varying degrees of support via digital subscriptions. ConvertKit offers a free fan club automation template that can be activated with a single click.
6. Generate income through Tips.
If you are currently recording your album and have no merchandise for sale, you may still earn money via tips or Every Musician Needs Email Marketing. Rather than depending on a third-party service like Buy Me a Coffee, Venmo, or CashApp, you may request that your supporters pay tips directly using ConvertKit’s Tip Jar.

Log into ConvertKit and navigate to your “Earn” tab to set up a Tip Jar. Select “Tip Jar” and link to Stripe for payment, if you haven’t already. You may then establish your bespoke tip jar with a URL of your own that Every Musician Needs Email Marketing.