When it comes to setting up your very own business it is essential you think about what your customers want and and how to make your business eco-friendly. There is a high percentage of customers and clients that like it when a business offers more sustainable and green-friendly ideas and products. If you want to make your business eco-friendly business then take a look at the article below for some ideas and inspiration.
Here are 4 Important tips for making your business eco-friendly:
1. Work From Home
If there is one thing that is best for the planet, it is working from home. Working from home means there are no modes of transport being used, which in turn means less carbon footprint and emissions. If you can work from home then you should have this as an option within your company. It also gives people a lot more freedom and flexibility when working from home.
2. Install EV Chargers

If you have employees that drive to work then there is a huge move to electric vehicles happening right now. Installing chargers for these will show that you are thinking of the planet and your carbon footprint. Get in touch with an EV charging company to find out what you need to do to get the charging points in your car park. Being in the office just got even more beneficial as you and your employees can charge the cars while you are working.
3. Recycle Recycle Recycle

If you are thinking to make your business eco-friendly then one of the best things you can do for the planet is recycle your waste. Placing paper and recycling bins throughout your office space will encourage both you and your workers to place their waste in them. It would be best if you also encouraged your staff members to bring their water bottles and avoid using one-time-only plastics, this includes water machine cups. What you could do when you hire new staff is give them their reusable water bottle with your branding and logo on it.
4. Renewable Energy Sources

As a business, you may be looking for ways to save money on your energy bills. There is one great way to save energy and make your business eco-friendly: all businesses are encouraged to sign up. A renewable energy source such as solar or wind power can cut your annual bills in half so it is certainly worth investigating. It will be a high outgoing at first, but this should only be one cost and then you start noticing the difference. Speak to a few companies to find out the best prices and providers.
Switch It Off
Finally, if you want to not only save energy in your business but be kinder to the planet then it is worth turning everything off at the end of the day. Turning everything off rather than keeping it on standby means your electricity bill will be much lower each year. You could put signs up to remind your staff to turn off all their electricals including monitors, laptops, and phone chargers.
However, it is advisable to keep your internet switched on at all times. This is due to various software updates that happen overnight. If you switch your internet off then you may find it runs slower for you and your employees. Small changes can make your business eco-friendly so just the thing is you have to plan and implement these small changes in your business.