In shaping the organization, the role of data and analytics in sales plays a vital role. Relying on assumptions will not help them as much, they are well aware of these facts. When keeping a data-driven approach, the profits will be on the higher side as you rely on some concrete facts. Analytics in sales holds equal importance as it shows detailed results of past performances and what’s trending. Being factual based on the data will help you be ahead of your competitors at all times.
The use of analytics in sales gives you an insight into which products are giving you profits, which aren’t performing as much, which target market is performing better and what would be the future possible trends. These are the insights you would be getting. You can also track the customers who slipped out of your mind due to any reason. Basically, analytics allows you to keep track of your sales activities which will help you in further decision-making.
Listing down some more pointers on the role of data and analytics in sales;
1. Better decision-making
Analytics in sales is used to monitor and predict multiple elements. It is considered a diagnostic concern to come up with new strategies, perspectives, and sales campaigns. By studying the overall sales performance, you can make a decision to revise the price of the products. For the customers, price is the ultimate decision aspect on which they rely whether to buy the product or not.
With the help of analytics, pricing revision decisions can also be done in order to attract more prospects. Analytics is the best thing in sales as it makes tasks easier. You will be able to offer better products based on better decision-making.
2. Engagement of customers

Whether online or offline, knowing when the customers have last engaged with your brand is necessary. Analytics in sales allows you to check all such activities and forecast further plans. From when was the customer last called, to when was the last time the customer engaged with your website analytics helps to keep an eye on all these aspects. Engaging customers means they have the brand in the back of their minds. So, you can show ads or send push notifications to them in order to be in their subconscious mind. It is a psychological method. It helps to keep the customer in the thought vicinity of the brand at all times.
3. Need to work closely with the marketing department
Another important role of data and analytics in sales is working in coordination with other departments. As the marketing team is closely aligned with the customers and their buying habits, it is good to work in close proximity with them. It helps in better decisions. It also enhances the process of making any changes in the operations of the organization. Marketing guys work on both technological bases and on-field too.
They are superiorly aware of the exact market trends. The future trends that the analytics shows can be discussed with the marketing team and checked whether they think the same too. If not, a combination of the analytics and the marketing team can be formed and a good decision can be formulated. Considering both are important.
4. Differentiation between good and not-good products
The analytics in sales shows us the performance of various products it is tracking. Not all products will be accepted by the people in general. Every product will function differently in the market. It improves the mobility of the sales figures. Mobility in the sense, it increases the sales numbers. Stakeholders like distributors, suppliers, etc also are tracked in order to check our work lineage with them.

What quantities of raw materials are we purchasing from the suppliers for eg in order to manufacture the final product? Is the final product functioning as per expectation? Or should some other product be focused on? Such are the questions we get answers to via analytics. It is the best component used in sales in order to carry out the whole sales process in an organization.
5. Monitor and predict buying behavior
Analytics in sales help us to track the buying behavior of prospects. Customers are predictable in a way. Their behavior patterns can be forecasted. The only thing is attracting them towards your product for the first time. If they like it the first time, they are highly likely to purchase it the second time.
Then they get habitual to your product and tend to buy repeatedly. If repeated purchases exist, they will be seen in the demand curve of the analytics. In that way, you will be able to track multiple such buyers and the further supply you need to keep of the product in the stores or wherever you sell. If sold online, tracking analytics in sales becomes easier. As the website is already attached to your analytics tool, you get direct results in front of you. In this way, you can track buying behavior of prospects or existing customers.
6. Iterative purchasing patterns
Repeated purchasing means buyer retention. Buyer retention indicates you have won customer loyalty. You can also add a segment in the analytics tool to see repeated purchases made by the customers. If you focus on repeated purchases, you will almost double your sales. As mentioned in the above point, when you focus on repeat purchases, you are highly likely to increase your sales numbers.

Repeat purchases are a thing that organizations focus on in order to aim for higher sales. Indirectly you are also keeping a watch on the customer’s engagement with your brand. So, you are automatically working smart and doing two things at a time. Tracking repeat purchases and seeing the customer engagement for your brand.
So, it is safe to say that the role of data and analytics in sales is vital and proven. Majorly it helps in taking multiple decisions on various topics. Also, most importantly use good software for tracking the analytics, as suggested by experts. Data and analytics allow organizations to brainstorm and come up with new ideas based on trends.
Through this, new ideas and new products are born and introduced in the market. A short-time monopoly can also be created in the market if a completely new product is designed by the organization. Short-time because competitors will immediately catch up with the pace and bring a new improved version of the same. Above all, remember to provide value to the customer via your products/services.