Getting Seen Online Is Half Of The Battle Of Marketing

Getting Seen Online Is Half Of The Battle Of Marketing | CIO Women Magazine

Getting seen online is half of the battle when it comes to marketing and anyone who doesn’t know that needs some serious help on the marketing side of their business. How is anyone supposed to know who your business is, what you can do for them, or anything about you if they do not see you? They won’t, and that’s not good enough any longer. Instead, you should be fighting tooth and nail to be seen online, and then half of your marketing battle is won as you will have beaten out all of the competition. 

The good news is that if you don’t know how to do this, and you’re feeling a little stumped right now, you’re in the right place. If you’re interested, continue reading as we examine some more strategies for getting seen online below.

Here are three strategies for getting seen online:

1. Improve Your Social Media

The first thing that we’re going to take a look at is social media. We know that there are some companies who are still unaware of how important social media is to a business, but let us make something perfectly clear. It is imperative that you have social media pages on all of the main platforms, that they are updated regularly, and that they are not being left to dwindle. If this happens, people are going to assume that your business either doesn’t care enough to update the pages or that you are closing down.

Getting Seen Online Is Half Of The Battle Of Marketing | CIO Women Magazine

So, instead of letting either of these assumptions happen, you have to put effort into keeping it fresh and alive. This might require hiring a social media manager if you can’t manage it with the people that you have already got, and that’s a great idea. This professional knows what they are doing, and they can take your social media from zero to hero within a short space of time.

2. Optimize All Of Your Content

It’s also a good idea to optimize every single piece of content that your business puts out to the best of your ability. The problem here is that you don’t want to do things like keyword stuffing once you figure out that keywords are important for your ranking in the SERPs. It’s a fine balance and one that you have got to manage one way or another because if you don’t, that’s when you are going to struggle to be seen online.

Getting Seen Online Is Half Of The Battle Of Marketing | CIO Women Magazine

Keep in mind that this needs to be done for all posts on your blog, your social media, and even your ads if you use them. There are various different ways for you to optimize content, and despite what some people think it’s not all about keywords. You should do some research into SEO, SEO tactics, and other general information regarding visibility online before you make any changes.

3. Consider SEO Services

We strongly urge you to consider hiring SEO services to take over for you and let them do the heavy lifting. You can find some more information on how to outsource SEO in various places online, giving you all of the advice that you need to make this work. We understand that there are still some people who are hesitant to outsource anything when it comes to their business, but it might well be for the best. If you do your research before you hire anyone, and you take your time to vet them properly, then it could turn out to be the best decision that you have ever made.

Getting Seen Online Is Half Of The Battle Of Marketing | CIO Women Magazine

If you are still not convinced, then do a little more research into the various businesses that offer SEO services. They have the knowledge and the expertise to ensure that your business is as visible as possible online, so let them do this for you. It’s a leap of faith on your part, but it’s better to take that leap and possibly land on your feet, rather than not take it, and stay exactly where you are, struggling to bring in new people.

Offline marketing: The other half of the battle?

Some business owners will tell you that offline marketing is dead and the internet is the real source of customers nowadays. But this isn’t true. Many people still discover brands through offline strategies such as posters, flyers and events. This is why it’s important to not neglect offline marketing.

A few offline marketing strategies that can still be effective include:

1. Direct mail marketing

More companies have been switching to email marketing, making it easier to stand out through direct mail marketing. There are direct mail advertising companies that can handle the printing and distribution for you. Such mail could include flyers, magazines, catalogues or newsletters. 

2. Event marketing

People are still drawn to the buzz of a physical event. Launch parties, trade fairs and conferences that can therefore still be a great way to get your name out there. 

3. Radio advertising

So many of us still listen to the radio in our cars or in our workplace. As a result, radio advertising is still an effective way to get brand exposure. Target local radio stations if you’re advertising a local business. 

So, there you have it then! These are some of the things that you can do to work on getting seen online – and offline – and winning your half of the battle before your customers even come into it. It’s imperative that you are always working on the things that you can work on, changing the things that you know you can change before you move forward with anything else. Perfect where you are, and then you can start focusing on other things. 



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