If you want to buy a car for your growing business then this is great. With that in mind, you do need to make sure that you don’t make these 3 Company Car Mistakes. If you do then you may find that you end up running your finances into the ground, when in reality, it could have all been avoided.
Maximize your investment by avoiding these Company Car Mistakes:
1. Vehicle Size is Important
Choosing a sports car is the best way for you to make a statement and you may even find that it helps to show that your business is ambitious. With that in mind, are you going to be using it to shuttle a tired sales team and endless boxes of sample goods? Probably not. For this reason, you need to give some thought to all of the regular journeys that you are going to make in your vehicle. Choose something that can meet all of your needs, so you can avoid having to buy another car later down the line.
Remember also that sports vehicles are more expensive to insure than standard vehicles. With that in mind, if you do have insurance, you’ll be covered in the event of any accident, whether you were driving for business or personal reasons. If you have been in an accident, be sure to call a car accident lawyer.
2. Consider Vehicle Add-Ons
When buying a vehicle for your business, you need to give some thought to the optional add-ons you may have available. Extras can give a lot of practical benefits and you may also find that they can boost the overall safety of your car too. If your company car has to go on long and grueling journeys then you may want to opt for a GPS. If\ you are a local company that is only ever going to be operating within the local area then you probably won’t need a GPS as it’ll probably drain your battery too much.

If you find that you regularly transport your team from A to B then getting airbags could be a good safety feature. Safety isn’t just a benefit at the end of the day, it is a great way for you to safeguard your company’s future. If you operate a fleet of vehicles then fleet safety compliance is a great way for you to protect your company’s reputation.
3. Don’t Underestimate Competition and Their Company Cars
If you have a lot of competition then you will know how important it is for you to stay on par with them. Keeping your company competitive while showing off your prestige is a bit of a tightrope to walk. You don’t want to overspend on a car you can’t afford but at the same time, you don’t want to buy something that doesn’t look the part or that does your reputation some harm. One thing you can do is try and make sure that you end up opting for a vehicle that is at least just as aesthetic as your competition, so you can get a better result overall by avoiding above Company Car Mistakes.