5 Online Courses That Are Worth Investing In

5 Best Online Courses That Are Worth Investing In | CIO Women Magazine

Returning to school is unfortunately not an option for everyone. There are numerous reasons why you might not want to enroll in college again, whether you’re raising a family, don’t have enough money for tuition, or just don’t have time to take a vacation from your job to further your education. Sure, there are excellent courses available, but where do you look for them?

Here are 5 online courses that are worth investing in;

5. Canvas’s Design School

Online Courses That Are Worth Investing: Canvas’s Design School is next on our list of the greatest free Online Courses That Are Worth Investing in. This is a terrific series of Online Courses for anybody interested in learning more about Canvas as a tool, the fundamentals of design, or taking their present abilities to the next level. Canvas is already a simple tool to use, and its Design School offers a number of free courses that will make it much simpler.

5 Best Online Courses That Are Worth Investing In | CIO Women Magazine

The free Online Courses That Are Worth Investing in Design School’s collection focus on improving your social media abilities, graphic design skills, and much more, such as improving your presentation skills. The admission requirements for these free online courses are also quite minimal — all you need is an email account and a laptop to get started. So, whether you’ve been studying design for a long or are completely new to it, Canvas’s Design School classes may help you improve your design skills.

4. Asana Academy

Online Courses That Are Worth Investing: Asana Academy. Keeping with the productivity theme, the next free Online Courses That Are Worth Investing on our list, from Asana, will teach you how to improve your work production. That’s because Asana Academy focuses on organizing your work using the Kanban technique. We’ve discovered that having a visual depiction of the things you need to do each day, as well as breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces, may help you reach new levels of productivity.

5 Best Online Courses That Are Worth Investing In | CIO Women Magazine

It also makes large jobs appear more manageable. Asana’s Academy is one of the greatest free Online Courses That Are Worth Investing in 2022 for this reason. You may use Asana to learn how to grasp the Kanban approach, and you can even take their classes to become a Certified Asana Pro, earning a credential that you can put on your CV or LinkedIn.

3. Facebook Blueprint

Online Courses That Are Worth Investing: Facebook Blueprint. For everyone interested in marketing, Facebook is an invaluable resource. However, using Facebook as a marketing tool is not without its challenges. As a result, we’ve included Facebook Blueprint in our list of the greatest free online marketing courses for everyone. You’ll learn how to get started with Facebook advertising, how to target the proper people, how to convert leads, and much more with Facebook Blueprint.

5 Best Online Courses That Are Worth Investing In | CIO Women Magazine

Essentially, you’ll have access to all of the information you’ll ever need to succeed with Facebook marketing. All you need is a Facebook account to get started. Simply log in and choose a broad topic that you’d want to learn more about. From there, you can either begin at the beginning and work your way through the entire topic or pick a smaller lesson to focus on a specific issue that you’re having trouble with.

2. Google’s Digital Marketing Course

If you want to improve your digital marketing skills, the next free Online Courses on our list are ideal for you. Google has launched a series of free digital marketing courses aimed at helping you “grow your business or jump-start your career,” and we believe they’re among the greatest free online courses available. Online Courses That Are Worth Investing: Google’s Digital Marketing Course

You may start at the beginning of their modules and work your way through the full course, or you can pick and choose individual lessons from their free Online Courses to meet your urgent requirements. You’ll also earn a certificate if you finish the whole “Fundamentals of Digital Marketing” course. The certification may be added to your résumé or LinkedIn profile, and having a Google certification is never a bad thing.

Isn’t it difficult to argue against knowledge and qualification? Especially when it comes to free online education. This is one of the greatest online courses for you if you’re seeking ways to spend your free time and have an interest in digital marketing.

1. Udacity’s AI Programming

With Udacity’s AI Programming with Python Nanodegree, you can take your initial steps toward a profession in artificial intelligence. Although this curriculum is open to anybody, it is required that students have a basic grasp of mathematics and programming skills (in any language). There are five courses in this curriculum. Python and its tools, such as Jupyter Notebooks, Anaconda, Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib, are the emphasis of the first two courses. Courses three and four, on the other hand, focus on linear algebra and calculus, respectively, while the fifth course focuses on neural networks. Online Courses That Are Worth Investing: Udacity’s AI Programming

Short videos and lecture notes are used to teach the content. Students may put their knowledge to the test with activities and quizzes that are automatically assessed. Two real-world projects are also included. Both are assessed by Udacity reviewers who go over your code line by line and give you limitless input.

In addition, this nanodegree comes with free professional counseling. Consider personal job search aid, interview preparation, and resume services.

One of the top online AI classes is AI Programming with Python Nanodegree. It comprises two industry-relevant projects as well as career services, which we really like. Despite its high cost, the course is available on a monthly subscription basis. So, while most students take three months to finish this program, there’s nothing stopping you from completing it in two months or less.



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