In website designing, typography plays a substantial role. It is a form of communication with the prospects as they judge the brand according to the layout of the website. Users visualize the brand according to the website and its appearance. Website Typography is the visual feel of the text, the images, the quirky font style used, the colors used, and the overall perspective that prospects have formed via going through all these aspects. The design of the website, content, and typography are all interrelated factors that should be perfectly done so as to increase the engagement rate of the website.
More visitors to the website means more traffic. It gradually increases the awareness of the brand if it’s a new one. Typography acts as an element to attract audiences and bring more and more traffic that eventually increases the revenue of the website. It is a sub-element of all the things that go on a website.
So, here we mention 7 best practices for website typography:
1. Let the brand and font play
As we said above, prospects judge the brand via the website layout and visuals of it, so use a font that is in accordance with the brand. By looking at the font, the prospects must believe that it is your brand. Prospects love to relate the typography of the website according to their thinking and relate it to their brand.

A brand initially sells online, and then turns to open physical stores, not all but some of them have. Think of such an online brand whose physical outlets are in your city. Out of curiosity, you visit the brand to have a look at it physically. So, if you do not see the physical outlet as it is on the online store, will you be able to relate to it? Your whole philosophy about the brna dwill change, isn’t it?
2. Keep consumer psychology in mind
Selling is an art, they say. It actually is. But there’s a bit of psychology or science involved too. So it is a combination. In the website typography, the consumer should feel relatable to the website. They need to be comfortable in the virtual website space. As they navigate through your website a sense of familiarity is the key. If you crack it, then there’s no looking back for you. When people witness a new brand online, they open the website with a fresh perspective, in expecting something new. Identify that newness that they’re looking for.
3. Use modern and vibrant visuals
In website typography, research on the ongoing trends that prevail. If you are able to catch hold of some experts in the field of creative arts, have a word with them. Enquire about what type of colors and texts attracts people and why. Yes, it is a thing that brands do. As mentioned in the above point, selling is an art. As the visuals are modern and vibrant people will engage with the website again and again, while simultaneously getting ads for your website whenever they use their phones. It acts as a constant reminder to at least check out the website.
4. Color and text advantage

Different colors and eccentric text can do it for you. People always like to have something different. But, when you find the text and colors that suit your website, stick to it. Do not change it. If changed, people feel disattached to the brand and may stop purchasing. Any famous brands that you shop from, imagine if they totally use opposite colors that they are using right now. Will you purchase it from there even if offered the same quality? You said no as you read this, we heard that! So, this is the game actually. With quality products factors like these also matter when you deal with customers’ purchasing habits.
5. Give breathing spaces on the website
As people scroll on the website, give adequate spaces wherever required. As people navigate through your website and scroll up and down, they are continuously consuming or “breathing” on your website. If not given a space to exhale and again inhale new content, the customer may choke. Consuming is no less than breathing.
As people take in the information about the products listed and information related to the website, they are continuously breathing the content. So, they of course need space to exhale. So give white spaces or relevant color spaces wherever necessary. Do not overly fill the website with bombarding content for the consumer.
6. Remember, that prospects remember
Any type of website typography that is different and attractive is remembered, even if the brand name is new. That is the catch in this visual field or the content field. People have a remembering power that they have seen before. So in the typography context, this is exactly what you should tap. Make it visually appealing and a treat to go through your website. Your bright or dark typography elements will play a good role in shaping a view of the brand in people’s minds. This will help in gradually increasing traffic.

7. Font styles help in the interaction between brand and consumer
In the Website typography scene, make it a point to use not more than two font styles. Two types of font styles are the maximum. It helps the consumer to be hooked and make a new perspective for each type of font used. The type of text used in the website speaks loudly to the customer’s mind. Mentally, the typography or the brand and the consumer are having a conversation with each other, which only they can hear. So, if you use more than 2 types of fonts it acts as a conversation obstacle between the consumer and the brand.
Website typography is the visual element that makes or breaks consumers from visiting the website. Colors, text, catchy lines, and clickbaity intent is what consumers look for. Keep in mind the consumers’ intent before finalizing on the typography to be used in the website. People do not like repeated stuff as they have seen it before and get reminded of it where they had seen it before.
Here, you need to build your reputation from scratch in the minds of the customers. Be an empath. Put yourself in the customers shoe and imagine would you click on the website if you the content you’re about to post? If yes, then only do what you’re thinking. Visuals play with the minds of people and Website typography comes into the same context.
Also read: 6 Tips for Effective Website Colour Schemes