Debunking 7 Popular Myths About Website Design

Debunking 7 Popular Myths About Website Design | CIO Women Magazine

They say ‘first impression is the last impression’, and rightfully so, a good initial impression can have a lasting impact—be it in business or personal life. Talking about business, in particular, a website is the first thing that catches the attention of a potential client. Therefore, to make your business stand out in the competition, it is important to know the tips and tricks as well as some myths about website design. 

If you are also designing or planning to design a website, this blog is for you. In this blog, we are debunking 7 popular myths about website design that you thought would be real. Without further ado, let’s get started!

Here are 7 popular myths about website design;

1. Anybody can design a website

This is probably one of the most common myths about website design. Thanks to various DIY website designing tools and hosting platforms, it has certainly become easier to design a website today than it was a few years ago. However, designing a website is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Debunking 7 Popular Myths About Website Design | CIO Women Magazine

While designing a website, you have to consider multiple factors like the complexity, size of the site, its functionality, number of plugins required, etc. While DIY tools can help one design a simple website, designing websites with complex functionalities is something different. It’s not always that a tool can match all your requirements correctly. To meet these needs, a website designer has to have considerable technical knowledge and know-how. 

2. Website development is a linear process

Much like machines, we, human beings are also used to following certain patterns for doing certain things. While these set patterns work sometimes, they can fall in processes like website development. Many think that developing a website is all about a pattern and has a beginning, middle, and end. However, there’s more to it.

Website development is a continuous process. A website designer has to keep the website updated with changing requirements and functionalities. So, don’t relax once you are done designing a website. Stay on your toes, you will have to update it anytime soon. 

3. It’s all about Aesthetics and the ‘Look and Feel’

Visual appeal and the ‘look and feel’ of the website are one of the first few things a visitor notices on a website. And of course, they are important to engage the visitor from the go and get quality leads. But lead generation can not be the sole purpose of designing a website. 

A good website has multiple functionalities and provides value to the visitor. So if you are a website designer, focus on creating a website that best suits the job instead of one that is visually rich and appealing. Always remember some aspects related to user experience (UX) like readability, quality content, responsive design, etc. are very crucial for a website. 

4. Minimalistic is magical 

Minimalism is something a lot of brands are adopting nowadays, be it large conglomerates like Apple, Samsung, or Google, or even startups and mid-sized businesses. Ideally, you would want to follow the trend and go for designing a similar minimalistic website. However, you need to know that not everything minimalistic looks good.

Debunking 7 Popular Myths About Website Design | CIO Women Magazine

Take Apple as an example. The primary reason behind their minimalistic designs is that they already have a huge fan base and they don’t need to show a lot of text to attract the audience. Their brand name and presence is the major success driver. But in the case of smaller companies, they need to showcase their offerings and services via quality text and content. So, a minimalistic approach may not always be helpful in these cases and is one of the common myths about website design.

5. A good website can solve your marketing and sales issues

Sales and marketing are the backbones of a business. While it is a fact that an appealing website design can help boost the sales and marketing operations of a business, it is not the case every time. Although a good website can result in generating quality leads that can be your potential customers, it does not stop there.

Even after building a good website and getting leads, you have to nurture the leads to convert them into customers. You need to develop a human interaction with the prospective customers to keep them interested. So, only developing a website won’t do it all for you.

6. The Website design should be cheap and quick

This is another one of the frequently heard myths about website design. Often, a website designer can fall prey to cheaper design templates to get the job done quickly. It is one of the most preferred things today’s developers do. But before choosing a cheap design template or trying to do cost-cutting while designing a website, you need to keep in mind a few things. 

Debunking 7 Popular Myths About Website Design | CIO Women Magazine

If you think a website’s cost is exceeding your spending limit, you may think the pricing is unfair. However, if you minutely look into the details of how a website is developed, you will find that the pricing is not unfair at all. Time is another important aspect many tend to miss. Hurrying into things doesn’t always help, and the same goes with website design as well. The more time you are willing to give, the better your website will become. 

7. You need to develop a new website

Sounds weird, right? But most companies fail to recognize that they don’t actually need to develop a new website. In case it is a startup, it will surely need a website. However, if the company already has a website, there are many chances that it does not need an upgrade. You need to figure out exactly what are your expectations from the website, be it functionality, leads, traffic, or anything. 

So, before starting to design a website, go through your requirements once and then decide whether to go for it or not. 


We hope you’d have a clear idea of the things you should know before starting to design a website. Also, this would surely debunk your myths about website design. If you like reading this kind of articles, keep visiting for more. 



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