How to Successfully Expand Your Business Beyond Solopreneurship?

Expand Your Business Beyond Solopreneurship: 12 Effective Ways | CIO Women Magazine

When you first get started in business, it can feel like such an exciting time in your life. Maybe you wanted to launch your own thing for a while, or it could be that you softly started side-hustling and things took off from there – either way, as time goes by, you can feel a deep sense of pride.

Even when you first only ever intended to keep things small and do your own thing, you might find that things really take off. If you know that your business is doing well and you’d really like to move forward with expanding it, it’s definitely important for you to think about the best ways to make that happen. In this blog post, we’re going to take a look at some of the best ways you can expand your business beyond solopreneurship to see the success you’re searching for.

Here are 12 Effective Ways To Expand Your Business Beyond Solopreneurship:

1. Getting Set Up

First of all, you’re going to want to make sure that you have the correct business structure in place if you don’t already. This could be something that you have already covered off, but if not – this is where you need to begin. If you’ve been self-employed and now you want to transform into a private company, you’ll want to get that formation set up. Getting a bank account and any insurance you need can be an important step here too.

2. Creating a Strong Website

Another one of the first things you’ll want to focus on if you haven’t already is the idea of getting a great website together. Maybe you had a basic one, to begin with – now you need to up your game. When you want to expand your business beyond solopreneurship, a strong website is so important. This is where you could consider getting a designer in to take everything on for you. That way, you know your website will be fully optimized and have all of the functions you’re looking for.

3. Nailing Your Marketing Strategy

Expand Your Business Beyond Solopreneurship: 12 Effective Ways | CIO Women Magazine
Image by studioroman

From here, it’s then time to take a look at your marketing strategy. It’s safe to say that if you want to expand your business beyond solopreneurship, you’ll want to put yourself out there more. Maybe you’re only utilizing one marketing strategy so far? Or you’ve never really done a ton of outbound marketing? When that’s the case, you’re going to want to pull together a marketing strategy that will support you as you grow.

4. Getting the Visibility You Need

As part of that, you’re also going to want to make sure that you’re focusing on your visibility overall. Here, it’s not just about carrying out a marketing strategy and hoping for the best. When you are aiming to increase your online visibility, it needs to be an integrated approach. You’ll want to raise awareness of your business and what you do to get more eyes on your products or services and increase your sales. A full PR and visibility strategy can help you here.

5. Making Key Connections

Next, you might want to consider networking. This can be something that helps you to be seen, grow your personal brand, and land the new business you’re looking for too. Networking might be something that you feel apprehensive about, but it can be simply a case of making friends with people in the industry. Plus, it’s always great to have relationships with people who understand what you’re working on and what you’re going through. And you never know what opportunities may come your way from it too!

6. Finding the Right Suppliers

Expand Your Business Beyond Solopreneurship: 12 Effective Ways | CIO Women Magazine
Image by sturti from Getty Images Signature

As a step on from that, the next thing you might want to do here is look into sourcing the right suppliers for your business too. You may find that you need to source providers for your products or services or to help you expand your business beyond solopreneurship. Here, you’ll want to do your research. Make sure that you find the best people for packaging, warehousing solutions, and even a steel framing contractor for self storage as an alternative too. Having the right suppliers in place can add to the quality of your business and save you a lot of issues in the long run.

7. Investing in Support

As well as suppliers for the physical products and services you need in your business, you may also want to invest in support for your business too. When you know what you want to be able to grow, you may not always know the best tactics to do it. However, when you look to hire a business coach, procure a marketing agency, or even utilize a recruitment agency, you’ll find that this can really change things for you. Never underestimate the value of having the proper support in place as you grow your business.

8. Getting Your Finances Together

At the same time, you may want to take a look at the business finances too. It could be that you really want to be able to grow things or expand your business beyond solopreneurship. When this is the case, you might want to hire an accountant or bring in finance experts to help you nail your finances and become more profitable. At the same time, you may want to look into your funding options if you know you’d like investment to help you grow the business too.

9. Hiring a Team

Expand Your Business Beyond Solopreneurship: 12 Effective Ways | CIO Women Magazine
Image by Syda Productions

The next thing you might want to focus on is your staff! As a solopreneur, you may have always worked alone. Even if you’ve hired contractors or freelancers before, you may feel like you’re ready to take on your first member of staff or put a full team in place. When this is the case, you’ll need to focus on the needs of the business to identify which roles you need to hire for. Then, with a strong team in place, you’ll be in the best possible position to grow.

10. Finding an Office Location

One of the things you might be contemplating at this point is the idea of getting your first office. If you have always worked from home – whether that’s from your bedroom or a home office – you may feel like you’re ready for the next step. If you do plan on hiring staff, hosting meetings with your clients, or you need more space, this can be a great idea. But you could also consider going into a coworking space if it’s more cost-effective for you.

11. Investing in the Right Tech

Next, you may find that bringing in the right tech to your business can make a huge difference here too. There’s so much software for small businesses available right now and it can often pay to utilize it. Whether you want to streamline your financial processes or manage your projects and tasks more efficiently, you’ll find that bringing in the right tech can make a world of difference to what you’re doing. Here, you’ll be able to save time and money, as well as simplify the tasks you need to do.

12. Taking Everything to New Heights

Ultimately, you want to make sure that you’re taking everything you do to new heights here. This can be something that feels overwhelming when you look at the bigger picture, but it isn’t in reality. Instead, when you’re able to focus on each piece individually, you’ll find that it can be fun and enjoyable to expand your business beyond solopreneurship. As long as you’re pouring your heart and soul into what you’re doing and you’re committed to the long-term, you can make it work. It’s all about the willingness to see things through and just seeing where it takes you! Good luck!



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