Improving The Student Experience: What Can Be Done

Improving The Student Experience: What Can Be Done | CIO Women Magazine

A 2023 survey by The Wall Street Journal found that compared to pre-pandemic attitudes, over 50% of Americans don’t think that a four-year college degree is worth the money timewise and financially. Another survey found that high school or college admissions dropped from 70% to 62% in 2023.

Multiple factors impact a student’s experience and decision to attend university, including higher education costs. The state of the student loan sector is also off-putting for many.

However, as an education provider, by boosting faltering attendance levels and ensuring the best possible student experience, you’re a strong contender for those wishing to continue their education journey, thanks to your reputation and your commitment to providing the best college experience for all students.

Understand Students

Improving The Student Experience: What Can Be Done | CIO Women Magazine

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The student’s needs are constantly evolving over time, and neglecting to accommodate these changes can spell disaster for your intuition. You need to uncover exactly what your students need and want and implement this offer to increase satisfaction. Focus groups, surveys, and open forums, for example, are all excellent ways of garnering feedback you can use.

Take note of all students, including those from low-income backgrounds, different ethnic groups, adult, first-generation, and international students. You need to accommodate all students, not just one subsection, to make the required changes for improved student experiences across the board.

Improve Admin

You need to streamline your administration operations so that you can easily store and access all data when required. On top of this, you need to ensure students are able to access vital information. An effective student information system will allow students to track financial aid and access their records, for example.

It can help your administration team save time by presenting a more centralized location for all information and providing a secure and compliant portal for your student information. By improving and involving the student in these functions, you can reduce your team’s workload while empowering students to take control of their own experience, too.

Enhance Faculties and Grounds

Improving The Student Experience: What Can Be Done | CIO Women Magazine

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If your campus is looking a little bit worse for wear and the students don’t have access to amenities or feel safe walking around, then it’s likely you won’t be scoring high in students’ opinions. Making accessible improvements for students who need additional support is a great place to start, as is improving your facility’s maintenance and security, making building upgrades, and investing in equipping all areas with the latest technology and equipment for studying. The more you reinvest into what you do, the better the learning experience and the more satisfied your students will be with the reductions and environment you provide.

Leverage Technology

Technology has been an integral part of education for many years now. However, Gen Z and the incoming Gen Alpha are more reliant on technology than previous generations and prefer a more digital way forward. Not only do they demand technology in their lives, but they also demand technology in their educational experience. Adopting a more tech-based approach is more inclusive for all students and can drastically improve the user experience.

Virtual tours, webinars, online forums, and personalized websites with access to resources are vital, as are improved communication channels to help students reach out without waiting in line or physically going to an office to discuss concerns.

Improve Mental Health Resources

Improving The Student Experience: What Can Be Done | CIO Women Magazine

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Mental health is quite rightly becoming more talked about and far from lurking in the shadows and being something it feels ashamed about; younger generations are open about their struggles, and supporting this narrative is something all higher education providers should be doing as standard.

With one in five adults living with some type of mental illness and two out of five undergraduates saying they experience emotional stress, having resources in place to support emotional health and well-being is crucial. It can elevate the student experience and give them the help and support they need to move forward with their studies and not drop out or struggle due to the stress of their courses. As decision-makers, it’s important to be empathetic and supportive of these needs.

Academic support, financial support, community support, and sobriety coaching are all great initiatives to consider in supporting and improving a student’s mental health and well-being. Offering counseling services, creating a supportive community through student clubs and organizations, and providing financial aid for mental health treatments are all effective ways to address this issue.

Improving the student experience needs to be forward-focused and based on the students of today, not a past legacy or achievements. As students’ needs and attitudes change quickly, education providers must also ensure a fair and advanced education for all who pass through its doors.



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