Women have been celebrated for the achievements and struggles they have been through to fight injustice and gender bias in society. Women have always proven themselves to be equal and can do anything by marching shoulder to shoulder with men. Women have showcased extraordinary qualities of courage, confidence, sacrifice, gratitude, and bravery.
We have always cherished those women. In today’s world, some torchbearers are holding the flag of sisterhood high and igniting the flames of revolution among fellow sisters. Encourage them to be the change they want to see and make their unique status in our society. We have compiled a collection of 25 notable leadership books for women. That will drive them toward empowerment and help them be their stronger selves.
In this article, we will explore a few books that ignite and sharpen leadership qualities in women. And get an overview of what those books teach us.
List of Leadership Books for Women:
1. Broad Influence: How Women Are Changing the Way America Works by Jay Newton-Small

This book explores how the increasing presence of women in the workforce, particularly in leadership roles, is significantly altering the dynamics of American business and society, influencing everything from corporate culture to policy decisions, with a focus on the unique challenges women face in reaching top positions and how their perspectives are reshaping the workplace.
Publisher: Time; 1st edition (5 January 2016)
Language: English
Item Weight: 499 g
Customer Reviews: 4.7
2. Lean Out by Marissa Orr

This book challenges the corporate feminist ideal and offers a critique of the Lean In movement. The author encourages women to embrace their unique strengths and values rather than conform to traditional masculine norms to achieve success in the workplace.
Publisher: Amacom (31 August 2019)
Language: English
Item Weight: 450 g
Customer Reviews: 4.4
3. A Good Time to Be a Girl by Helena Morrissey

The author has written a forthright, instructive book based on her goals of securing better gender balance and modernizing working practices. It draws upon her experience and personality and is warm, self-deprecating, and good-humored.
Publisher: William Collins (27 December 2018)
Language: English
Item Weight: 280 g
Customer Reviews: 4.4
4. My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem

This book is the moving, funny, and profound story of Gloria’s growth and also the growth of a revolutionary movement for equality—and the story of how surprising encounters on the road shaped both.
Publisher: Oneworld Publications (1 September 2016)
Language: English
Item Weight: 1 kg 50 g
Customer Reviews: 4.5
5. Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

This book teaches us to say yes to our fears and face them fiercely. It encourages us to come out of our comfort zone for a whole year. The author explores her journey from a life of merely surviving to full-hearted thriving. This book tells us to face the challenges of life instead of avoiding them.
Publisher: Simon & Schuster; Reprint edition (13 September 2016)
Language: English
Item Weight: 340 g
Customer Reviews: 4.6
6. Becoming by Michelle Obama

This Book gives us an insight into the life of United States First Lady Michelle Obama. It gives us a glance at her early life, academic, career, and marriage with Barack Obama, who was the forty-fourth president of the United States.
Publisher: Penguin (1 January 2021)
Language: English
Item Weight: 320 g
Country of Origin: India
Customer Reviews: 4.6
7. Break Your Own Rules by Jill Flynn, Kathryn Heath, and Mary Davis Holt

This book tells us about six behaviors that keep most wise women from achieving their full potential. This book further explains six doable practices that will bring you closer to your goals.
Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 1st edition (2 August 2011)
Language: English
Listening Length: 5 hours and 13 minutes
Customer Reviews: 4.5
8. What Works for Women at Work by Joan C. Williams and Rachel Dempsey

This book highlights four patterns that the author identifies as obstacles to success. From Prove It Again, the tightrope, the maternal wall, and the tug of war. The authors describe how these patterns apply to working women’s lives and how individual women can best combat them.
Publisher: NYU Press; Updated edition (25 August 2020)
Language: English
Item Weight: 622 g
Customer Reviews: 4.5
9. Feminist Fight Club by Jessica Bennett

This Book sheds new light on the rampant sexism in the workplace and equips women with the tools to take down everything from mansplainers to personal feelings of self-doubt.
Publisher: Penguin UK (1 January 2000)
Language: English
Listening Length: 1 kg 50 g
Customer Reviews: 4.4
10. The Fix: Overcome the Invisible Barriers That Are Holding Women Back at Work by Michelle P. King

The book reveals why denying the fact that women are held back just because they are women. It also highlights the biggest obstacle holding women back at work and outlines the hidden sexism and invisible barriers.
Publisher: Atria Books (3 March 2020)
Language: English
Listening Length: 476 g
Customer Reviews: 4.5
11. Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office by Lois P. Frankel

The author has noted a few mistakes that women make that make them damage their careers. It tells that women are usually expected to be nice. They have to obey no matter if the other party is wrong. This book points out a few practices from the author’s experiences as well.
Publisher: Business Plus (16 September 2014)
Language: English
Item Weight: 195 g
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Customer Reviews: 4.5
12. Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy

This book explores how to access your authentic self and project confidence in high-pressure situations. It offers practical advice for improving your presence through body language, self-narrative, and mindfulness.
Publisher: Orion; Latest edition (12 February 2016)
Language: English
Item Weight: 41 g
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Customer Reviews: 4.4
13. Drop the Ball by Tiffany Dufu

Drop the balls, let the author talk about how she learned to reevaluate expectations, shrink her to-do list, and meaningfully engage the assistance of others. It is one of the excellent leadership books for women that ignites strength in women.
Publisher: Flatiron Books (14 February 2017)
Language: English
Item Weight: 454 g
Customer Reviews: 4.6
14. Playing Big by Tara Mohr

Tara Mohr has tried bridging the gaps between what we see in you and what you know about yourself. It’s a practical guide to moving past self-doubt and creating what you most want to create.
Publisher: Avery; Reprint edition (29 December 2015)
Language: English
Item Weight: 1 kg 50 g
Country of Origin: USA
Customer Reviews: 4.6
15. Women Who Don’t Wait in Line by Reshma Saujani

This book reminds you that this is an era where women can be anything they want to be. The author narrates the stories of women who have faced roadblocks and overcome them by forging new paths, being unapologetically ambitious, and never taking no for an answer.
Publisher: Amazon Publishing; 1st edition (8 October 2013)
Language: English
File size: 1411 KB
Customer Reviews: 4.2
16. Unapologetically Ambitious by Shellye Archambeau

This book takes on a journey to uncover how the author became one of the very few African American female CEOs in Silicon Valley. This book highlights the author’s struggles and her solutions to achieve her goal.
Publisher: Hachette Audio (06 October 2020)
Language: English
Listening Length: 8 hours and 2 minutes
Customer Reviews: 4.7
17. Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis

Girl, Stop Apologizing is the author’s encouraging note to fellow sisters to follow their ambitions by ignoring society’s expectations and achieving their goals with confidence.
Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership; Illustrated edition (18 April 2019)
Language: English
Item Weight: 318 g
Customer Reviews: 4.6
18. Radical Candor by Kim Scott

The author tells us to be a great leader for our fellow workers but also be empathic towards them. It helps women to excel in being considerate towards others. It is important to make people aware of your authority and handle things kindly.
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press; 1st edition (14 March 2017)
Language: English
Item Weight: 476 g
Customer Reviews: 4.5
19. Bossypants by Tina Fey

This boss gives us an overview of the American comedian Tina Fey’s life. Starting from childhood to adulthood, along with her family life. Also, tell us about her first job and her journey to become a comedian.
Publisher: Sphere (5 January 2012)
Language: English
Item Weight: 266 g
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Customer Reviews: 4.1
20. The Myth of the Nice Girl by Fran Hauser

The book sheds light on the negative aspects of niceness that exploit many women in the business world. The author uncovers the myths and gives a fitting reply to them. That’s why it’s been listed among the best leadership books for women.
Publisher: HarperBusiness (17 April 2018)
Language: English
Item Weight: 340 g
Customer Reviews: 4.6
- Leadership Books for New Leaders: A Must-Read Guide for Emerging Leaders
- Women-Owned Banks in the US: A Growing Force in Financial Empowerment
Women have been facing several challenges and inequality in many aspects of life, regardless if it’s the workplace, home, or anywhere. Women have still stood tall in front of those challenges and proven themselves. They have shown the world that women can achieve anything if they set their minds to it. We have mentioned a few leadership books for women written to encourage and boost them to excel in every field that ever doubted them.