Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corp. Acquires Link Administration Holdings for A $1.11 Billion in Strategic Move

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Acquires Link Administration Holdings | CIO Women Mgazine

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In a strategic move to enhance its global presence and pursue higher returns abroad, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corp., a subsidiary of Japan’s largest bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., has announced its acquisition of Australian data manager Link Administration Holdings Ltd. The deal, valued at approximately A$1.11 billion ($744 million), marks a significant step in the expansion efforts of Japanese financial institutions seeking lucrative opportunities beyond their home market.

Premium Deal Sealed Amidst Positive Market Response

Under the terms of the agreement, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corp. will pay A$2.10 per share, representing a substantial 23.5% premium to Link Administration’s closing stock price on the preceding Friday. This premium reflects the confidence and strategic importance attributed to the acquisition by the Japanese banking giant. Link Administration, in a separate statement, expressed unanimous support from its board, urging shareholders to vote in favor of the transaction. The market responded positively to the news, with Link Administration’s stock surging by 27% to A$2.16 as of 10:46 a.m. in Sydney.

Link Administration’s Journey and Japanese Banks’ Overseas M&A Trend

The acquisition comes one year after Link Administration Holdings Ltd. faced challenges in reaching an agreement with Canada’s Dye & Durham Ltd. on the sale of multiple parts of its business, a deal valued at A$1.27 billion. This marked the end of a protracted saga of transaction talks. Since then, Link Administration has undergone a turnaround, including the successful sale of its UK-based fund solutions unit to the Waystone Group. The move followed a regulatory episode with the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority, relating to the administration of a fund managed by Neil Woodford, a former star money manager.

Japanese banks, grappling with ultra-low interest rates domestically, have increasingly engaged in overseas mergers and acquisitions to seek higher returns. This trend has been particularly notable in recent years, with expansions into regions such as Asia and the United States. The pursuit of foreign opportunities has proven beneficial for Japanese banks, contributing to a boost in profitability, as evidenced by their recent financial results, which saw earnings reach an all-time high for the first half. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corp.’s acquisition of Link Administration Holdings is in line with this trend, signaling a continued appetite for international growth among Japanese financial institutions.



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