Seema Jhingan – Committed to Protecting What Matters Most

Seema Jhingan – LexCounsel : Committed to Protecting What Matters Most | CIO Women Magazine

LexCounsel is a corporate, business, and prosecution law office with workplaces in New Delhi, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, and partner workplaces in significant urban communities across India. It offers extensive legitimate types of assistance to a wide range of homegrown and worldwide organizations.

The firm is perceived as the main law office and prompts in different regions including Mergers and Acquisition, Corporate, and M&A, Labor and Employment, Real Estate, Venture Capital and Private Equity, Education Laws, Defense and Aviation, Franchising, Media and Entertainment, Dispute Resolution, Insolvency, Software/Information Technology, General Corporate, and Commercial.

Established on best global practices, combined with serious areas of strength for the and experience of its establishing individuals, Seema Jhingan, Alishan Naqvee, and Dimpy Mohanty, LexCounsel offers thorough lawful types of assistance and arrangements across the boundary and homegrown corporate and business matters.

LexCounsel has a significant skill and inside and out area explicit comprehension and information to give tweaked and exceptionally compelling legitimate exhortation the most appropriate to the client’s business needs, be it basic or complex multiparty exchanges. In acknowledgment, the establishing accomplices of the Firm have been reliably designated as “AsiaLaw Leading Lawyers” in their separate areas of training, especially in IT, broadcast communications and media, funding, and confidential value and work and business.

LexCounsel is outfitted with cutting-edge innovations, the executive’s assets, refreshed library frameworks, and other devoted emotionally supportive networks to guarantee the ideal conveyance of lawful administrations. With a nearby organization of workplaces in New Delhi and Bhubaneswar, Odisha (drove by Abhijeet Das, Partner), and partner workplaces in Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, and other significant urban communities, LexCounsel draws on the specific skill of a few experts and experts to give consistent complete legitimate business exhort all through India.

LexCounsel has been routinely perceived as the main firm in a few areas of work including, Corporate and M&A, Tax, TMT, Dispute Resolution, Aviation (counting guard and aviation), Real Estate and Construction, and Labor and Employment [Sources include: Legal 500 and Asia Law and Practice, a Euromoney publication]. LexCounsel has likewise been perceived as a Tier 2 M&A warning firm by ALB in 2019.LexCounsel’s suit group driven by Alishan has been granted as the ‘Question Resolution Firm for the Year’ by BW Business World Legal Awards, 2019.

Ms. Seema Jhingan has more than a quarter century of involvement. Seema has been as of late perceived as the “Accomplice of the Year – Overall” by the BW Business World Legal Awards. Seema has additionally been regarded by the Corporate Counsel Association of India in 2019 for her commitment to the Indian legitimate society as “Sparkling Star of Indian Legal Fraternity” and as one of India’s “Confided in Corporate Lawyers of 2017” by the Indian Corporate Counsel Association in its distribution – ‘The Vanguards’. Seema is a named Private Equity individual from IR Global, one of the world’s biggest expert organizations.

In a discussion with Ms. Seema Jhingan, we should find more about the LexCounsel and its excursion since its initiation.

What were the underlying difficulties you confronted?

Exclusively, when I began my profession as a youthful legal counselor in 1994, there were fewer ladies’ legal counselors, and in some way or another, the energy I got was that women attorneys are great as junior partners’, however, men are liked as the senior contending directors in courts. Following a year in the case, I tracked down my actual bringing in corporate, business, and value-based regulation which I partake in a great deal even to date.

The Indian economy was opening post the new 1991 modern strategy, and the nation was starting to get numerous unfamiliar financial backers. Taking into account the plenty of regulations and being new to unfamiliar trade rules and guidelines, supporting enormous clients in their interests in India was very difficult. I review numerous restless evenings and work tensions of exhorting the clients and supporting my seniors accurately. Be that as it may, it was generally speaking an extraordinary opportunity for growth.

My accomplices and I began LexCounsel in 2004 as a little firm with little assets, backing, or affiliations, no clients or premises/framework, and from that point forward we have filled in size, clients, group, and notoriety.

Which was that point that set off the development of the Firm?

Persistent difficult work, strength, cheerfulness, and conveyance of value work set off a ton of references from existing clients. Consistency in work, business-arranged exhortation, and mindfulness of subtleties procured numerous clients for LexCounsel. The Firm’s aptitude in specialty regions, for example, satellite and telecom work, schooling, medical care, clinical preliminaries and biotechnology, food regulations, and bankruptcy and chapter 11 practice additionally helped in gathering more expected clients.

Alishan Naqvee’s obligation to lead the debate goal practice and Dimpy Mohanty’s attention on work and business and inappropriate behavior matters additionally added to the reinforcement of the Firm’s training regions. As opposed to a specific point being the impetus for development, I accept the continuous reliable quality work keeps on setting off the development of LexCounsel.

How have the Firm diagrams changed starting from the establishment? Might you at any point share a couple of insights?

LexCounsel began with 4 legal advisors and we are as of now 35 attorneys across India with our own and related workplaces across India. From a one-room office to now a full structure office we have filled in space and framework as well as training regions.

What is the purpose of your association’s well-established achievement?

A solid group, devotion to quality administrations, responsiveness to clients, preparation to meet clients’ business prerequisites, building entrust with clients and partners who appreciate working with the Firm, and serious billings assisted the Firm with proceeding with its development direction.

How would you choose to make the firm a stride encourage with regards to your administrations?

We are wanting to set up additional workplaces across India to grow our training. The Firm is now an individual from three worldwide associations viz, IR Global, International Lawyers Network, and Alliott Group. The individuals from the Firm routinely go to the yearly gatherings and local meets of these gatherings to meet legal advisors and experts from across the world for learning best practices, client references, firm turn of events, and the board.

Is there any new expansion to the rundown of administrations? Anything invigorating you might want to share?

LexCounsel has added the Insolvency and Bankruptcy practice as of late. The Firm’s solid schooling practice exhorts K-12 and higher instructive establishments from across the world. Clinical preliminary and medical services keep on areas of strength for being regions. Digital currency counsel is another new astonishing region.

How have you seen variety change throughout the long term in the legitimate area?

From the time I began my profession during the 90s (when there were lesser rehearsing ladies attorneys) to now, more ladies have joined the legitimate field. The lawful field is currently more different with numerous corporate, prosecution, and specialty practice region firms. With more regulation schools, understudies from level 2 and 3 urban communities are likewise seeking to be corporate legal advisors.

Could you at any point kindly short us about your expert experience?

Being profoundly enthusiastic about regulation practice, I adhere to the new advancements in regulation acutely. I began my training with Singhania and Co, trailed by Titus and Co, and afterward helped to establish LexCounsel in 2004.

I keep on driving the corporate business practice of LexCounsel and significantly appreciate prompting clients in complex lawful issues, business organizing, and value-based matters. I love collaborating with business visionaries at meetings where I talk routinely.

How would you take care of your representatives? What makes your group exceptional?

Our solid legitimate group is the foundation of our quality administrations. Connectedness with partners is urgent as legitimate work is collaboration with extended periods of time off work. LexCounsel snacks and meals, parties, and festivities help in group fabricating yet enabling our partners in client dealing with, court appearances and designation keeps the group solid and together.

Our group is extraordinary in its adaptability to see the value in the particular business need of the client, its top to bottom comprehension of business regulation and industry, its profound exploration and regulation translation abilities, and case system and execution.

Is there any exceptional involvement in your clients you might want to feature?

A few client encounters are extraordinary. For example, in our portrayal of Pilatus Aircraft, Switzerland, the client remembered us for the main conveyance of Pilatus coach airplane to the Indian Airforce by imparting to us the introduction of the conveyance service at our workplaces. Essentially, Protostar, a US satellite-based organization included LexCounsel in the send-off of its most memorable satellite as an enthusiasm for our diligent effort with regard to this issue. Usha Breco, LexCounsel’s well-established ropeway client connected with LexCounsel as its agent for media taking care of security conventions of the ropeway.

As indicated by you what cutting-edge ladies backers and litigators ought to zero in on?

Carry enthusiasm and dedication to your work whether or not you are seeking after a case or corporate practice. Never bring or allow others to carry orientation to your calling. Starting from the start, I have seen myself as a backer and never as a lady advocate. Most of the boundaries, reasons, and detours are to us, battle against them.

One individual who you appreciate the most?

Expertly, Zia Modi (Founder AZB) and by and by, Mahatma Gandhi and from ongoing times, Sudha Murthy.

Whose business story do you see as the most rousing?

A few stories are moving and not one. I track down motivation from regular day-to-day existence and individuals, their battles, and their determination to battle everyday difficulties and accomplish more modest objectives. Accounts of standard people who endeavor hard in business, take on advancements and develop on limited scope premise, be it in agribusiness, water preservation, or altruistic work are extremely moving. Business accounts of Steve Jobs, Narayana Murthy, Kiran Majumdar Shaw, Bill Gates are similarly rousing.

Which is the most motivating statement you have perused?

‘Force of being Present in Now’ by Eckhart Tolle is perhaps the most remarkable statement that I live by and endeavor to accomplish. The capacity of the brain not to participate in pretend stories/fears and being completely present and alive right now is the way to smartness, cognizant way of behaving, and bliss.

It’s a futile way of life out there. How would you adapt to that?

Regulation is an extreme field and requires long dedicated working hours with heaps of expectations, suppositions, fillings, contentions, and accommodation and can in some cases challenged. To keep away from pressure and uneasiness, partaking in the work and carry reason to one’s regular work is fitting.

One necessity to ‘adapt’ provided that the work is constrained and without interior inspiration. Specifically, nothing persuades me more than filling a client’s need in accomplishing its objectives. Additionally, saving some margin time for self with family, yoga/exercise, voyaging, and books are extraordinary pressure busters. Instill leisure activities, the equilibrium wouldn’t be a long way behind.



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