The Art of Selling: 7 Techniques for Success

The Art of Selling: 7 Techniques for Success | CIO Women Magazine

Selling is often argued as an art or a science. It is a skill to be mastered with practice. Till the time you don’t go there and give it your all, you won’t know the techniques for success in selling. In techniques for success in sales, persuasion is considered the most important one to master. Even if today most jobs are sales-oriented, not everyone can make a sale so easily. There are some learned sales techniques for success in sales to be followed.

To be a great salesperson, you need to first focus on failures. Which customer you couldn’t crack and what was the reason for the same? This is a question of which answer you’ll get after a lot of practice. It is a combination of art and science. Nobody has proved it to be an art or a science fully. So, it is always considered as a combination. Mentioning some techniques for success in sales:

Here are techniques for success in sales;

1. Deliver more than promised:

These things are used a lot by e-commerce companies as techniques for success. A lot of brands use this method to be in the conscience of people. They try to give something extra with the product or provide offers in kind of cash. It helps to build trust and loyalty of the customer.

The Art of Selling: 7 Techniques for Success | CIO Women Magazine

Be mindful of setting realistic targets of over-delivering. Provide exceptional service or the product and be in touch for feedback. Observe the feedback given and try to overcome the situation on the next occasion if it is a serious issue reported by the customer. Unexpectedly, when a customer gets more than he demanded is the best thing. He may do word-of-mouth publicity for you.  

2. Every customer is your first:

On the list of techniques for success in sales, treat this one as a non-changeable trait. This should be the best thing you’re doing. Assume the customer you’re going to approach is your life’s first sale. It will give you the same enthusiasm as you really had at the time of your first sale.

You may leave a lasting impression as you try hard and go beyond as needed. You will create customer advocates who will vouch for you at any given time. Assuming this, the effort is visible to the customer and the organization too. The customer after the successful purchase may give appropriate feedback about your sales techniques and remember you.   

3. Be in remembrance

In the techniques of success, being remembered is another skill. Meaning, your tact should be such that you should be remembered for the skill you possess. Making the customer happy and positive about the purchase he’s making is the salesperson’s responsibility. Instead of making stand-out products also offer stand-out sales experience. Give thank you notes or write a personalized message after the purchase is done.

The Art of Selling: 7 Techniques for Success | CIO Women Magazine

Build advocates and get them to interact with your current customers. It’ll give them validation that the salesperson is good and not deceiving in any way. It is a good way to follow the list of techniques for success. Your handling of the overall sale must be clever and mindful. Try to be smart and at ease as much as possible.

4. Learn to handle objections

You will face some contradictory statements from the customers. As customers also do a bit of research before purchasing a product/service, they may come up with a study. In this regard, techniques for success suggest keeping the presence of mind. Communicate with confidence and try to convince them by proving to them why your product/service is better. The customer may tell that the same product or same category product of another brand is good, better, and cheap too. This exact is your skill where you’ve to handle the customer perfectly.

For this, you must know some technical details of your product and show how they are better. This would be a good tip in the techniques for success. Dealing with contradiction requires a cool mind. A famous proverb works here: Listen to understand, not respond. Stick to this principle. Talk to seniors about how to handle the contradictions. Follow as they say. The best option here you can do is to showcase your technical knowledge of why your product is better than your competitors.     

5. Listen while you communicate

Effective communication is the most necessary thing to do in sales. Without good communication skills, you won’t be able to convey your message properly. But, in the techniques for success, listening to the customer patiently while they ask any doubts is a sign of a skilled and masterful salesperson.

Answering all questions and solving the doubts of the customer is the topmost priority of any salesperson. Listening is a practice to nurture as it will take you ahead in your sales career. Be in touch with your customer. Ask if the purchased product/service works fine or not. It is a part of after-sales services and shows you care about the customer.

The Art of Selling: 7 Techniques for Success | CIO Women Magazine

6. Study your competitors

In today’s highly competitive landscape, observing competitors via different mediums has become a necessity. Study how are they achieving their current market share, what is their customer retention rate, how have they done it and how is brand loyalty working for them. All these questions need concrete answers. Discuss it with your seniors and come up with some ideas for increasing sales. Ask for brainstorming sessions in the organization to make a change in the strategies of the sales.       

7. Show empathy and a personal touch

Depicting empathy in terms of solving the issues the potential customer is facing. Put yourself in their shoes and master the art of selling. Be genuine and keep a customer-centric approach. Show the customer you genuinely care for them and the problem they’re facing.

Be empathetic towards making the experience for the customer blissful. Of course, you want the money which comes from the sale but, entertain the customer until he is fully satisfied. If not, delegate the responsibility to someone who is as good as you. Make the experience unforgettable for the customer. This will build advocacy for you.


As we conclude, we can say that selling is more of an art. It requires us to be sensible, impromptu, tactful, and determined. Also, remember not every sale will be successful no matter how much ever experience you gain. There is no one way to be sure of a sale.

There are several ways that are tried and got successful or even failed. You can leverage the right elements and technology to persuade the customer. Your product knowledge should also be on the top. Sharpen your skills daily. Be empathetic and practice a customer-centric approach at all times. As said, it will create advocacy. Be soft-spoken and readily solve customer doubts.



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