A website is the face of any brand these days. It sets an image of the brand in the psyche of its prospects and existing customers. People tend to judge the brand via the website. A good website design will tend the customers to engage with it often. With the growing technology, new website design rules come into practice. A good website design will function as expected in terms of engagement. In the Google Analytics tool, all the expected metrics will function as expected and will bring good results.
An experienced website developer who is well-versed in website design is a win-win. By visiting the website once or twice your prospects should remember your website. This is the mark of a good website design. It helps the visitors stumble upon the website often and build trust. It also makes them take action after a number of visits. An important point to keep in mind is the user experience of the website. It should be easy and attractive at the same time.
Some more tips for a good website design are as follows;
1. Keep it simple
Simple in the sense, keep the user interface and experience both non-complicated. Simplicity is the new cool these days. While navigating through the website, users must not get lost in the pages they wanted to switch. Moving from one page to another should be a clear-cut task for the users. Keep the pages in alignment as to the needs and purpose of the visit of the user to that specific page. A good website design is one which keeps the intent of the user in mind at all times. Do not make the website heavy by filling it in too much.
2. True and authentic information

Convey the right message and information regarding the product/services you offer. Your website is the first thing these days that makes people aware of your existence. The content published on the website should be true and factual. When you want visitors, you need to post true and authentic information on the website.
3. Visually appealing
Of course, a good website design is appealing to the eyes. The textures, backgrounds, colors, and font styles used all come in visuals. Selecting good combinations, shapes, patterns, and layouts for different pages of the website will attract more prospective buyers to the website. A good color palette that is in alignment with your brand’s vision is an add-on. Good and unique combinations increase engagement on your website.
4. Mobile-supported website
The first device used nowadays in order to check out a website is the mobile phone. The whole website should function perfectly on both a mobile and a PC. There are responsive layouts available when making a website. It refers to that your website will be displayed in accordance to the width and size of the screen of the user.
5. Use human psychology in the website design
A good website design indicates a deep study conducted before designing the website. In the context of colors, textures, and user experience there are some proven analogies made by expert medical professionals. Use these tips to make the website engaging for visitors. One should explore all aspects when he/she needs to increase awareness of the brand.
6. Keep it well-aligned

Keep the flow good and logical. The website should be logical to go through. Align the pages and content on the website accordingly. Maintain a hierarchy. Keep the content on the website well-organized and easy to go through. The order of the pages, navigation and the content posted, keep these elements in a chronological order. This will keep the bounce rate of the website low.
7. Make changes frequently
A good website design will depict the updates done. A number of changes keep happening at regular intervals of time. As the technological space is constantly evolving, implementing those in the website shows you are well-versed in the market. Stay updated on the trends in website design.
8. Take feedback
Before finalizing the design of the website, send the link to your inner circle. Show your website to friends, relatives and take feedback. Make room for constructive criticism. Without getting offended make the changes as they suggest. Follow the trends as they exist in the outside market. Check out your competitor’s website too and see what and how they have done it.
9. Stress on the best pages of the website
For a brand, there is always a list of pages where they expect more traffic when it is a good website design. Most often, those are the pages that show your products and services. As every business functions on profits, make the best of the pages where your products/ services are listed. Make these pages visually appealing. Formulate strategies that will increase the engagement rates of these pages of your website. As the engagement on these pages will increase, the revenue will increase gradually as the sale increases.
10. Patience for ranking

While you perform digital marketing for your website to rank, you need to keep patience as well. It takes time for the website to rank on Google. Even if your on-page and off-page SEO practices are done, Google has some set rules in order to gauge through different websites and rank them. All digital marketing efforts will bring you results after a certain period of time. It is a continuous process. Once the website ranks, staying on the first page of Google is an ever-evolving process.
A number of new Google updates keep releasing in order to rank your website. The higher the website rank on Google, the higher the chances of engagement rate of your website. Results aren’t shown as soon as you perform digital marketing techniques. You need to keep doing the same and keep a watch on the updates.
A good website design contains the above-mentioned elements. The essence of your brand is consumed via your website design by the visitors. A good balance of all the elements makes an ideal website design. Keeping in mind the target group, the pages must be emphasized accordingly. Take proper measures for engagement to come where it is expected. Focus mainly on the products/services pages and the contact us page of your website in order to get good revenue through your website.