4 Leadership Styles in Business

4 Best Leadership Styles in Business | CIO Women Magazine

What precisely are the characteristics of effective leadership? It’s not an easy question to answer, and the answers tend to be quite personal. Leadership styles vary widely in the corporate sector. Leadership Styles in Business, There are professional avenues where demonstrated leadership is an essential qualification.

In the corporate world, the chief executive officer (CEO) is the ultimate strategist and leader of the corporation. However, leadership abilities are still useful in many lower-level jobs within a company.

Here are 4 leadership styles in Business;

1.Autocratic leadership

Autocratic leadership, also known as Authoritarian leadership, is best summed up by the directive, “Do as you are told.”

The leader of an organization or group exercises absolute authority and makes all decisions. As the name implies, an autocratic leader is one that takes complete control of the company and dictates all decisions to their subordinates. Leadership Styles in Business, Authoritarian leaders are not interested in working with their followers or receiving input from them since they would rather have complete control.

4 Best Leadership Styles in Business | CIO Women Magazine

The following are some outcomes of adopting an authoritarian leadership style:

1. The leader is solely responsible for deciding all matters pertaining to policy.

2. The authority outlines each phase of the activity as well as the strategies to be used, but they do it one at a time, so it is impossible to predict what will come next.

3. In most cases, the leader is the one who decides the specific job tasks and who each member will be working with.

Autocratic leaders frequently have attributes that their subordinates look up to, such as decisiveness, self-confidence, and a constant, concentrated devotion to the objective. Leadership Styles in Business , These are all qualities that autocratic leaders tend to possess.

When It Is Effective:

Autocratic leadership and the approach of “Don’t question my commands” may not sound like a lot of fun, but there are situations in which this style of leadership can be appropriate and effective. For example, this style of leadership may be appropriate and effective in situations that are urgent or chaotic and require someone to bring order to the group and make a decision that is prompt and effective.

When It Isn’t Going to Work:

When working for an autocratic leader, employees may get the impression that they are being micromanaged. Additionally, because an autocratic leader issues all directives from a single source at the top of the organization, employees may become dependent on the autocratic leader for direction and unable to make independent business decisions. When adopting this method of leadership, it can help to invest in CEO reputation management which will help everyone involved in the business and outside of it understand why you work the way you work.

2. Democratic Leadership


The leaders of the Democratic Party are naturally inquisitive, which fuels their desire to hear perspectives from every angle. Leadership Styles in Business, They are excellent communicators as a result of their desire to work in an atmosphere that encourages participation, and their subordinates often find it easy to approach them.

When it Works:

A democratic style to leadership produces successful outcomes when the group feels as if they are contributing to the solution. This ultimately results in more creative contribution and often boosts staff morale.

4 Best Leadership Styles in Business | CIO Women Magazine
When It Is Not Successful

There are certain leaders who are more successful with the democratic method than others. There will always be some workers who have the impression that they have been excluded due to the fact that their suggestions or solutions were not selected. Leadership Styles in Business, In addition, it is risky to put one’s faith in the group as a whole to come up with answers if that group does not possess the necessary expertise or training to meet the challenge.

3. Laissez-faire Leadership


Leaders that practice laissez-faire management are adept at passing on responsibilities to subordinates and develop a sense of confidence in their workforce as a result of this practice. Leadership Styles in Business, They are able to provide workers with constructive criticism when it is required of them, and they are often seen as trustworthy since they gladly leave tasks in the hands of employees.

When It Works: 

When an organization has a laissez-faire strategy, workers often make decisions more quickly since they do not have to seek clearance from a higher authority. It is also extremely useful in circumstances in which the personnel or groups being used already possess the necessary training and expertise for the job at hand.

These employees are totally capable and do not need to be supervised. When they are empowered by a leader who employs a laissez-faire management style, they may feel more successful when they do their job without a guiding hand or command.

4 Best Leadership Styles in Business | CIO Women Magazine
When It Is Not Successful:

 When your team does not have a complete understanding of the objective, hands-off might become troublesome. Furthermore, executives who adopt a laissez-faire approach may discover that, in the absence of guidance or supervision, workers may not do as much work, if any work at all.

If you do not have total faith in your personnel and in their capacity to accomplish a job without direct monitoring, you may want to rethink using this strategy. Leadership Styles in Business

4. Transformational Leadership

The ability to excite the intellect; the knack for promoting involvement; and an understanding of what needs to happen in the organization are all qualities of transformational leaders. Leadership Styles in Business

4. Talent for sincere communication

5. Loyalty

6. A Sensitivity to the Context of the Whole

7. the maintenance of one’s own honor

8. A bearing and presence that is awe-inspiring

When it’s effective, transformational leadership helps employees better understand the business’s purpose, vision, and objectives; as a result, workers are more committed to the organization and more productive in their work toward achieving those goals.

Leadership Styles in Business, Harmony in the workplace is produced by transformational leadership because it encourages everyone to collaborate and maintains open lines of communication between workers and those in charge of the organization.

When It Is Not Successful ; While it is the desire of any leader to have a group that is totally engaged and devoted to the mission, transformational leadership has been shown to contribute to employee burnout since it requires them to work consistently to reach goals.

This strategy also requires continuous communication and feedback between the leadership and the workers. If for any reason these lines of communication are cut, the employees may get the impression that they are being excluded from the bigger vision.



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