Anastasia Kuzmenko- Connecting the world!

Anastasia Kuzmenko- IEC Telecom Group- Connecting the world! | CIO Women Magazine

Satellite administrations in all actuality do sound very cool and fascinating however truly, are incredibly convoluted. It takes considerably more than information and experience to comprehend, not to mention lead a fruitful organization that gives simply that!

Anastasia Kuzmenko Currently stands firm on the foothold of Vice President of Marketing and Communications at IEC Telecom Group. She is liable for the worldwide showcasing procedure and the board of brand interchanges across the Middle East, Asia, and Europe.

Anastasia is genuinely a motivation and a reference point to every sprouting business visionary and showcasing fan. Her magnetic character, excellent initiative, and obviously, vision, are without a doubt worth regarding.

In a glimmering interview with Anastasia Kuzmenko. We should catch wind of IEC Telecom Group, and get to find out about Anastasia and her expert process.

Brief us about the organization. What propelled you to join the organization?

IEC Telecom Group is one of the main global satellite help administrators. Famous for providing excellent satellite-based answers for clients for over 25 years, IEC Telecom Group conveys proficient start-to-finish voice and information administrations when and where it makes the biggest difference. We empower digitalization for the oceanic business as well as distant units ashore, where GSM inclusion isn’t accessible.

For metropolitan organizations, we give a strong satellite reinforcement to guarantee the business progression of client endeavors. Our portfolio incorporates a great many satellite items (from handsets to VSAT administrations), arrangements, and worth added administrations. Moreover, we offer all-day, everyday support for satellite-based arrangements during their full lifecycle. IEC Telecom Group has workplaces across eight nations: Denmark, France, Kazakhstan, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Turkey, and UAE.

My inspiration:

I’m an exemplary illustration of a millennial whose mentality was molded by lovely ideas of globalization empowered by the spread of network. I have consistently wished to be in excess of a member; a powerhouse in this cycle. Picking promoting as a calling was my approach to joining the stream. Running over an opening at IEC Telecom Group, I understood that at IEC Telecom Group I can bring my fantasy one step up.

What can more motivate than to associate the individuals who are excluded or have restricted admittance to this fundamental asset? 

Today, a network is in excess of a way to communicate something specific or call. It is a driver behind digitalization. According to a financial perspective, it implies connecting the open door partition by empowering the most recent innovations, for example, telemedicine, far-off support, and e-gaining through and through the pay pyramid.

According to the corporate viewpoint, digitalization makes productive expert organizations and works on inside processes, driving endeavors to additional economical and future-prepared activities. In conclusion, according to a social viewpoint, it brings families and companions nearer who are generally genuinely far separated.

What are the items or administrations the organization centers around? How are your administrations unique in relation to those on the lookout?

Satcom is at this point not about network alone. It is about functional effectiveness. By empowering a solid organization in regions with no GSM inclusion, IEC Telecom Group gets business progression for our clients no matter what the area of activity: over remote oceans, high mountains, and immense deserts. Lately, IEC Telecom Group has put extraordinarily into the improvement of different applications streamlined for a low data transmission climate. In that capacity, videoconferencing, far-off support, and enormous information trades can now be accomplished over a tight satellite station at an expense tantamount to the charges of earthly administrators.

“We keep you associated past cutoff points” is more than our saying; an essential vision is well established in our corporate DNA. We are focused on going above and beyond and this is precisely the exact thing our clients need the most. Rather than offering “one size fit all” administration bundles, we take the time and work to characterize specialized necessities for each case, and in this manner, convey savvy arrangements that expect to determine project-explicit requirements.

I accept that IEC Telecom Group is in a one-of-a-kind situation to lead in the specialty of a tweaked Satcom experience. Our coordinated methodology of the in-house planning and designing mastery permits us to foster really specially crafted arrangements. This is our strong point and the bearing to follow.

Kindly enlighten us regarding your group.

I’m lucky to work in a global climate with my group spread across Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. I feel extraordinarily special in this situation as this intercultural exchange is one element that makes me a superior expert and individual consistently.

My group contains both in-house and rethought experts. The previous shape the center skills and industry mastery behind our showcasing endeavors; the last option address a “quick reaction” corps, which permits us to stay lithe and receptive to recently arising patterns in the correspondences field.

If it’s not too much trouble, brief us about your expert experience.

I’m aggressive senior advertising proficient with 13+ long stretches of involvement across various ventures, including Satcom, Oil&Gas, and flying, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. I’ve overseen and effectively conveyed incorporated advertising efforts both for B2B and B2C areas.

My initiative, project the executive’s abilities, and capability in exploring groups across various locales towards the finishing of their individual KPIs as well as normal brand targets have made it workable for me to be routinely perceived as a top entertainer who drives tasks higher than ever.

What are the critical accomplishments of your business process?

I’m persuaded that there are no little or enormous accomplishments. As a lesser advertiser toward the start of my vocation process, I felt special to be engaged with key corporate ventures and shared with act as a meditator at global talks. As a mid-vocation subject matter expert, I moved myself to travel abroad and put my insight under serious scrutiny in the worldwide climate of the UAE.

At that point, I needed to begin from the starting point; subsequently, I invest heavily that from an Operational Executive in a neighborhood occasions organization, I developed into the job of a VP of Marketing and Communications with a global association in under nine years.

In my excursion with IEC Telecom Group, there are many achievements about which I feel energized. IEC Telecom Group used to have an expanded showcasing correspondences framework, by which every office characterized its very own methodology. Undertaking a worldwide promoting job, I set a goal to concentrate correspondences and foster areas of strength for a perceived brand with bound together situating and a common character.

In four years, IEC Telecom Group’s showcasing framework has gone through many changes, including rebranding, sending off worldwide PR crusades, creating thoroughly examined openness at driving meetings, and extending our computerized presence. IEC Telecom Group has gotten worldwide appreciation inside the satellite business and we are particularly respected to be granted by Thuraya Telecommunications (one of the major worldwide Satcom administrators) for the “Best Marketing Campaign” two times: in 2021 and 2018.

A solitary individual can’t win a fight. Such significant changes may just be accomplished as a collaboration. I’m very appreciative to my group for their responsibility and energy and I am uncommonly thankful to the IEC Telecom Group Board for their trust and backing. Thinking back, I can gladly say that much has been achieved, yet a huge number lay ahead.

Any client experience you might want to feature?

IEC Telecom Group carries on with work across different business sectors both overland and in the oceanic area. As an advertiser, I make correspondences for each client bunch. Because of the particular idea of our business, we are much of the time bound to privacy, as a considerable lot of our clients address the public authority area, compassionate NGOs, and huge scope ventures.

However, I truly do have a case that could get to your advantage. Back in 2018, we gave satellite correspondences to explore vessels of the Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology (KAPE), working in the Caspian Sea with a mission to safeguard the environment of the nearby waters. KAPE’s logical work in the Caspian Sea includes day-to-day correspondence with clients also, specialized specialists inland. Projects Create a tremendous measure of crude information. A typical client project includes the exchange by means of a satellite of 30GB to 50GB from boat to shore every month.

The Thuraya Orion Edge framework by IEC Telecom Group permitted KAPE to streamline transmission capacity, control information use with information pressure apparatuses, and limit the information expected to access and run research programs. What’s more, we provided the vessels with a team government assistance arrangement, which empowered sailors – on occasion, isolated from their families for half a month straight – to utilize their own devices to keep in contact with friends and family over VoIP calls and famous informing applications.

Which one is your number one statement?

Achievement is painted in brilliant varieties. However, it is much of the time failed to remember that under any work of art, there are many layers of frantic scratches in the dark and dim. Over the course of my life and work, I really do have a couple of colloquialisms that guide me consistently.

One of my untouched top picks is the renowned Latin saying “Per Aspera promotion Astra”, which makes an interpretation of as “through difficulties to the stars”. Difficult work is the underpinning of any accomplishment, regardless of where you stand on the profession stepping stool. A new alumni or a carefully prepared CEO, on the off chance that you won’t hesitate to move your sleeves up and pull the truck next to each other with your kindred partners, lady luck will ultimately bless you.

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