Can’t Land Your Dream Career At The Moment? This Might Be Why

Why You Can't Land Your Dream Career? 3 Common Roadblocks | CIO Women Magazine

Are you struggling to land your dream career at the moment? That’s more common than you might think. A lot of people struggle to get there, and there are a number of reasons why this may be the case. It’s not always easy to handle, but we promise that you can get to where you want to be, as long as you are willing to be patient, and put the effort in. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that could be holding you back from your dream career, and how you can fix them.

Here is why you struggling to land your dream career:

1. Not enough education

The first thing that we’re going to be looking at is the fact that you might not have enough education to get the attention of employers. If this is the case, then this is something that is relatively easy to fix, you just need to get some more education on your resume. Now, we know that the thought of this is probably not that enticing, but it should help you massively, making it worth every second.

Sometimes it’s going to be necessary to go back to college, other times sites like will be able to help. Get yourself qualified, and then you should be all good to go.

2. Not enough experience

Why You Can't Land Your Dream Career? 3 Common Roadblocks | CIO Women Magazine

It’s also a good idea to assume that you do not have enough experience to attract the attention of the employer who is skimming through your resume. We know that this sounds harsh, especially if you are young, but it’s true. The job market at the moment is ridiculously competitive, and you have to have experience if you have the hope of getting a job. We agree that a lot of the expectations are ridiculous, but they are what they are. Even volunteering is going to look good though, so perhaps do some of this to boost your resume a little.

3. Expecting too much

It might simply be the case that you are expecting too much. If you are hoping for a higher position job than you are qualified for and you are not willing to work your way up, this could be your biggest roadblock. You have to manage your expectations, be realistic, and stop going too far, too fast. We know that it can be frustrating to have to start from the bottom, but this is where you learn the most. You will be thankful you had to do this one day, as it gives you knowledge of the inner workings of a business.

Why You Can't Land Your Dream Career? 3 Common Roadblocks | CIO Women Magazine

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and now have a stronger understanding of why you may not be able to land your dream career at the moment. We know that it can be tough when this happens, but you’ve just got to do your best and try to get where you need to be. It’s going to take time, so stop thinking that you’re going to be able to have it all overnight, as this is not going to be the case.



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