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Are you on the hunt for a new job, a career move, or making another step towards the top of the corporate ladder? No matter where you are on your career path, there are always things everyone, from the novice to the consummate professional, should do to stay fresh and relevant. Continue reading for some helpful tips anyone can use to level up your career.
Here are some tips to level up your career:
1. Your Photograph
If you have an old headshot on your website, work bio or profile, or professional social media accounts, it is probably time for an update. People change over time. Everything from hair color and style to new glasses and a shift from one clothing era to another will impact how your photograph conveys who you are to other people.

While you could take a selfie and post it or have your best friend do the job for you, it is usually noticeable when people take this shortcut in their photos. Make a bolder move and hire a headshot photographer. This way, your image will be captured in the best lighting possible with several strong shots to choose from and a seasoned photographer who will guide you through the session to get the images you want to present to the world.
2. Your Resume
Whether you are just getting started on your career path or are a seasoned veteran in the professional realm, you probably need to revisit your resume. A resume is your own personal gatekeeper to level up your career. If you have a concise and highly curated document that seamlessly includes keywords from the job description, you are on the right track.

An actual human is unlikely to touch a resume during the first round of sorting. Instead, a bot or program will take on the task of sifting out anything that does not mesh with the keywords listed for the role. In any C-suite position, a headhunter will likely review the applicants’ resumes as there are far fewer interested parties at this level. Regardless, you need to have your resume in order and tailored to the job for which you are applying to ensure you stand out from the rest of the candidates.
Watch this video for guidance on how to create the best resume for any position.
3. Your Connections
As time passes, you may notice that your business connections ebb and flow. They are ever-changing due to a lack of time or effort spent on maintaining relationships, a shift in priorities, or changes in industry.
Take stock of your connections right now. Determine whether they are still strong and reliable or whether you need to make new ones. Start by attending networking events through your local Small Business Association or Chamber of Commerce. Look for events for university alumni and any field of interest or associations affiliated with your career field. Even if you are considering moving from one business vertical to another, it is still beneficial to come together with other business professionals.\

Help make your search for a new professional role even better by following these tips. Schedule a session for an updated headshot to show yourself in the best light. Next, revisit your resume to highlight your talents. Finally, continue networking and making connections to help level up your career.