YouTube, the Google-owned video network, has over two billion monthly users — about half of all Internet users — and consumers watch hundreds of millions of hours, Create a YouTube Channel and create billions of views on YouTube every day.
What’s more astounding is that 92% of Internet users view video material daily. Thus there’s no incentive for your company to invest in YouTube as part of its social media strategy.
Video production is getting considerably simpler and less expensive. This indicates that your company has significant potential to Create a YouTube Channel.
Here are 4 Best Points on How to Create a YouTube Channel?;
You may view, share, and comment on YouTube material if you have a Google account. Google accounts, on the other hand, do not automatically establish YouTube channels. Yet, Create a YouTube Channel is a straightforward and fast procedure.
1. Go to YouTube and create an account.
Go to and click the sign-in button in the upper right corner of the page:
Next sign in using the Google account that you want your channel to be connected with Create a YouTube Channel:
2. Go to your YouTube settings.
Click your profile symbol in the upper right corner of the screen, then “Create a channel.”
Where can I locate the YouTube “make channel” button?
3. Create your channel
After that, you’ll have the choice of creating a personal channel or a channel with a company or other name. In this example, we’ll choose “Use the custom name,” which is suggested for small enterprises and brands:

You may Create a YouTube Channel using your name or a custom name.
2. The next step is to give your channel a name.
Making a title for your YouTube channel
Note: As you can see from the options in this step, naming a new channel will also result in the creation of a new Google account with its settings and YouTube history. This account is nested inside your primary Google account and is completely manageable via Google settings & then Create a YouTube Channel. It’s quite beneficial since you can use this new account to like and comment on other YouTube videos, as well as engage in YouTube as your brand.
The next step is to give your channel a name.
Making a title for your YouTube channel

Note: As you can see from the options in this step, naming a new channel will also result in the creation of a new Google account with its settings and YouTube history. This account is nested inside your primary Google account and is completely manageable via Google settings. It’s quite beneficial since you can use this new account to like and comment on other YouTube videos, as well as engage in YouTube as your brand.
After this step, you will have the option to further personalize your channel. There will be possibilities for:
Adding a profile photo
Include a channel description
Custom connections to a website or blog, as well as social links to Instagram or Twitter, may be added to your web pages but first Create a YouTube Channel.
Congratulations! You’ve just launched a new YouTube channel! 🎉
Next, let’s fill out all of the information and make some channel art to make your website appear amazing (click here to jump to the next section).
YouTube channel art is the YouTube equivalent of a Facebook cover picture. Channel art is prominent on your YouTube channel, thus each YouTube channel must employ personalized art to show your personality or learn more about your business with your viewers.
Our channel art serves many purposes, but it is presently used to promote our Start Page functionality.
Here are a few more examples to get you started:
The ideal to Create a YouTube Channel or dimensions for YouTube channel art
The greatest place to begin with your channel art is with an image size that is ideal for many devices. YouTube advises submitting a single 2560 x 1440 pixel picture for the best results.
1235 x 338 px is the minimum width. This is the “safe zone,” where text and logos will not be chopped off when viewed on various devices.
The maximum width is 2560 x 423 pixels. This implies that the “safe region” is always visible, while the sections to either side of the channel art are viewable depending on the size of the viewer’s browser to Create a YouTube Channel.
File size: 6MB or less is preferred.
It’s worth noting that YouTube is accessible on a wide range of devices, from as little as an iPhone to as huge as a 60-inch TV. The channel image shows in the backdrop, behind the content on your YouTube channel, on televisions. It shows as a banner across the top of desktop and mobile devices. Test your channel art on various devices to ensure that it does not pixelate when huge.
Each channel also has room for a profile icon/picture. On all YouTube sites, this emblem appears next to your videos and channel. The goal here is to choose something that will appear excellent at extremely low resolutions – many firms utilize their emblem for this to Create a YouTube Channel.

Your channel icon should be 800 × 800 pixels in size and saved as a JPG, GIF, BMP, or PNG file (no animated GIFs).
To change your channel icon, go to your channel’s homepage and hover over your existing channel symbol until the edit icon appears. You may upload a new profile icon by clicking on that symbol.