4 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting

4 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting | CIO Women Magazine

Many people are drawn in by the allure of working in strategy consulting, and for good reason! You may enter this environment just after completing your undergraduate education, or you can do so as a more seasoned professional with sector-specific expertise. Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting, No matter what your circumstances are right now, dabbling in the world of consulting might be an excellent choice and would do wonders for your chances of finding work in the future for the following reasons:

Here are 4 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting;

1. You will initiate and cultivate the growth of a network.

When it comes to finding a new strategic job, the old adage “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” has never been more applicable than when applied to an ex-McKinsey consultant who is searching for work.

Working alongside rising stars in the field of strategy for a few years might pay off in the long run. Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting, This is due to the fact that former company strategists often go on to have a great deal of success and are highly sought after by other companies.

4 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting | CIO Women Magazine

Consulting firms have a tendency to hire people from a variety of backgrounds, so you’ll get the chance to see a true cross section of people. However, the primary similarity that we see among consultants is that they tend to be passionate, driven, high-performing, and dynamic – not a bad group of people to align yourself with!

2. You are going to get paid quite nicely for your efforts.

It is common knowledge that consulting is lucrative (use our salary guide tool to find out how much exactly strategy consultants are making). While it’s true that you’ll have to put in some work to make a living (and it’s also no secret that the hours are long and the job is tough), the variety of perks certainly seems to be worth it.

Imagine flights in the business class, compensated accommodations, meal allowances, and everything else!

4 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting | CIO Women Magazine

Although it is not the single most significant factor to take into account when deciding how to further one’s career, a competitive compensation package is undeniably an alluring selling point. Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting, If you manage your finances well, you may be able to build up a great enough emergency fund to the point where you won’t have to be as picky about the pay requirements of the next job you apply for.

Add to it the fact that many consulting companies will pay for their younger employees to get an MBA so they may advance their careers… When taken together, these factors provide a strong foundation from which to launch a prosperous career.

3. You will build up a collection of problem-solving tools.

There is no other line of work that can provide you with such a comprehensive toolkit as strategy consulting will. Especially at the more junior end of the market, consultants have a tendency to work in a variety of functions. Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting, One day, they might be developing a five-year strategic plan for a major retailer, the next day they might be determining a market entry strategy for a major technology player, and the next day they might be delving into a cost cutting exercise for a global transportation agency.

4 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting | CIO Women Magazine

You will work through engaging issues pertaining to business, and you will have the opportunity to acquire a diverse set of abilities. However, consultants also develop exceptional communication and presentation capabilities, which, despite the fact that we refer to them as “softer” skills, can be even more important from the standpoint of a career. Consultants are typically very proficient at quantitative analysis and working with data.

4. You’ll broaden your understanding of a variety of business sectors.

Consulting gives you the opportunity to obtain expertise and knowledge in a wide variety of fields, in addition to allowing you to broaden your growth from a functional point of view. Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting, If all of your previous work experience was in the consumer products industry, for instance, you might be assigned to the retails and consumer practice of a certain company, whereas other companies will take a more general approach to hiring and hiring practices.

Some companies will use your previous employment history to direct you to a specific field, while others will take a more general approach. You will be able to open innumerable doors and make yourself endlessly employable in the future if you obtain job experience in a variety of fields, ranging from retail to heavy industry, technology to financial services. And perhaps most crucially, you will have the opportunity to test out every aspect of the spectrum before deciding where you would feel most at home.

Bottom Line

In addition to the elements that go into one’s decision to enter this sector, there are also a variety of personal reasons why an individual chooses to do so in particular. Pursue a Career in Strategy Consulting, No matter what you want to do in life, if you want to have a successful career, being a consultant is one of the greatest professions you can choose.



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